Don’t Defeat Yourself (WT735)

Don’t Defeat Yourself (WT735)


WT 735 Don't defeat yourself

Last week I mentioned the 6 week Confidence on Camera challenge that I completed.

This week I was talking with a client and mentioned that I was about to put the learning into practice by creating a Facebook ad with a video to promote the next Loyal Lieutenant online training experience.

“Oh, that sounds exciting”, she said.

“Yes, and it’s as scary as hell”, I replied.

It’s so interesting how fear and excitement seem to sit on the opposite sides of the same coin.

This week I was also tapping along with The Tapping Solution app on my phone to release any blockages I might have to manifesting what I want.

One of the questions was “What holds you back from manifesting what you want?”

I was surprised at my answer. I thought I had worked on this for a while and yet here it was still rearing its ugly head – I was still saying “No” before the customer does.

It reminds us to not defeat ourselves before we even get started.

It would be so easy for me to put off making the video and creating the ad. And if I did, I would just be defeating myself. I would be ensuring that I didn’t stand a chance of achieving the outcome I desire.

How about you?

Do you defeat yourself?

Do you give in before you’ve even started?

If so, let’s remember Aristotle’s quote: “The thing we think we need to know how to do before doing, we learn by doing.”

In this instance, I can’t say I have learned, even though I have been exposed to the content, until such time as I begin implementing.

So let’s keep ourselves accountable.

What or where are you defeating yourself?

What action can you take towards what you want and who or what can help keep you accountable?

Let me know. I can’t be the only person on the planet who habitually defeats herself.

P.S. Go to the Contact page and message me if you’re interested to know more about The Loyal Lieutenant online training. You’ll learn how to streamline your operations which will improve consistency of your product or service, give you back more time in your day, week, month and year plus reduce all your stress.

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It’s Hard To Start (WT734)

It’s Hard To Start (WT734)


WT 734 It's hard to start

Do you ever hear yourself saying “it’s hard to start” or something similar?

Do you find sometimes you need a bit of inspiration?

That once you get started, the rest is easy?

Me too.

I recently completed the Confidence on Camera challenge with Authentic Education.

The first 21 days we recorded ourselves and posted to a “safe” group.

For the final week we were challenged to post publicly.

This was a big thing for me because I hadn’t posted videos on Facebook for years.

I had been hiding.

So I put my big girl pants on and faced the challenge.

I shared why I had been hiding and how it was now time to re-emerge.

Once I completed the initial post, I found it easy to record and upload more posts over the coming days.

One of my colleagues happened to mention that he had seen the posts.

I was a little nervous about the feedback he was about to give and to my surprise he told me his reaction was “Damn, Shirley’s gone and done it. She’s just put herself out there and just did it.”

His reaction was curious to me, until he explained that the fact that I had put myself out there, actually inspired him to take action as well.

Wowza. Of course my mission is to inspire, educate and support you to be, do and have what you want, however I never expected that anyone would be inspired by the fact that I just did it.

He also continued to say that “It’s hard to start, but that once you get started it becomes easy”.

It certainly does. Overcoming the procrastination and stories we might be telling ourselves is the hardest part. Once you take action, all that mental anguish stops.

I hope this week’s thought inspires you to take some action towards what you want.

Just start!

Just take one small action.

Let me know what it is.

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Are You A Maker Or A Manager? (WT733)

Are You A Maker Or A Manager? (WT733)


WT 733 Are you a maker or a manager

I just love it when my clients share educational information with me, especially when I’m looking for inspiration for the Weekly Thought.

I awoke this morning to an SMS which read, “Morning Shirl, Just sharing this Alex Hormozi clip on a concept I thought you might like – a good one here about makers and managers.”

Thank you, Mark.

I listened to the podcast whilst at the gym this morning and it was all about how we invest our time.

According to Hormozi, (who also wrote “$100M Leads” and “$100M Offers”) there is a big difference between the work of a maker and the work of a manager and the relevant time periods required by each.

Hormozi claims this productivity system made him $100M.

To summarise, managers are productive when they are in meetings and makers are productive when they are working alone creating (making) something.

When managers ask, “Have you got a minute?”, it’s a big risk to the maker, especially if the maker is making something or is in maker’s time.

I related to his definition of maker time. When I am working on client systems, I need maker time. I need to lock myself away so I can think and develop systems. I also need this time when I am creating training courses for clients.

I also related to manager time, when we might be making calls or conducting client meetings or coaching or training.

How about you?

Are you a maker or a manager?

Here’s the rub, both types of work need to intercept at some point. Managers need to give the CEO an update and the CEO needs to communicate the vision, plan and resources required.

The balancing act is how to make these two different types of work co-exist harmoniously and productively.

Hormozi suggests a number of techniques, one of which is for the maker to schedule meetings to fill one of the maker’s entire time periods instead of adhoc meetings that can disrupt more than one assigned period.

Another is for managers to respect that when the maker is in maker time, they don’t interrupt.

Listening to the podcast, I also started thinking about the teachings from EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) who advocate meeting rhythms to ensure all relevant stakeholders are communicating and holding each other accountable for agreed outcomes and how this fits with what Hormozi is advocating.

Have a listen to the podcast and let me know what you think.

It certainly inspired me to be more protective and systematic with my biggest asset – my time.

What about you?

Here’s the link:

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Don’t Let Your G.O.A.L Become Your G.A.O.L (WT732)

Don’t Let Your G.O.A.L Become Your G.A.O.L (WT732)


WT 732 Don't let your Goal becone your Gaol

This week’s topic might be a little thought provoking.

I hope so.

I received a link from my colleague Lee Woodward to listen to an interview he did with Charles Tarbey. Lee is widely known in the real estate industry and has been training principals and sales people for over 30 years. Charles is the Century 21 Australasia Chairman.

Charles explained to Lee how destructive goals can be and how goals are really short term objectives on the way to achieving our dreams.   Link below if you’d like to listen to the interview.

As it turns out, I was coaching with a client, we’ll call him Barry, a couple of days later who was concerned he didn’t have goals. He was questioning whether he wasn’t allowing himself to have goals or maybe he wasn’t destined to achieve them.

This led to a very robust conversation about goals, goal setting and mindset.

In fact, it was Barry who said, your goals can become your gaol.

I thought this was very profound and the reason I put dots in between the letters in the heading is to distinguish between the spelling of goals and gaols.

At times we can become so fixated on the goal and how it is meant to be achieved that we lose sight of the fact that goals are there to propel us forward on our journey.

Goals set the destination, however it’s the journey to the destination that we remember. If you’re like most people, as soon as you have achieved something you wanted, you quickly reach for something else.

So here’s another concept to add to the mix, that of “precession”.

Buckminster Fuller defined precession as “the effect of bodies in motion on other bodies in motion”.

Precession is the action that occurs at ninety degrees to bodies in motion.

When applied to goals, the concept of precession means that we can set out to achieve a goal and find that we achieve it in a totally different way to what we expected (i.e. ninety degrees).

For example, a young man decides to go to Europe to find a girlfriend. He applies for a job as a tour guide. About a month before he is due to leave, he meets a girl and then has a dilemma.  Does he go to Europe to find a girlfriend, or has the goal been achieved already and he doesn’t need to go?

This is precession. We set a goal. We set the direction. We decide the how and start taking action and then somehow, miraculously, the goal is achieved, in a completely different way to what we expected.

What are your thoughts?

What do you think a goal is?

Do you believe it can become a gaol for you?

For me, I like what Charles Tarbey had to say.  Keep dreaming and set short term objectives to get into action.

Here’s the link to listen to the interview:

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Separate The Decision From the Doing (WT731)

Separate The Decision From the Doing (WT731)


WT 731 Separate the decision from the doing

This week’s thought comes from Cham Tang, Co-Founder of Authentic Education.

Cham is a marketing and productivity expert.

He was conducting a group coaching session when someone asked about organising their time.

Cham’s answer sparked something within me.

He said, “Separate the decision from the doing”.

At first, I didn’t understand it and neither did the questioner.

“Separate the decision from the doing.”

Lots of people waste time when they sit down to work because they spend time deciding what to work on.

Decide before you sit down to work, so that when you sit down to work, you can get stuck into the task.

I’d not heard this before and yet it made so much sense to me.

When I thought about the days when I’m my most productive, they are the days when I know exactly what I have to do at the time.

Since I learned this, I’ve been practising.

I write a list of what I need to do and then I schedule the work.

It has made an immense difference to me.

I no longer sit down, clean my desk, make a list and end up not having enough time to do the task.

Because I now know what I am meant to be working on, I can focus. I am no longer allowing myself to get distracted.

Your task this week, if you’re up for it, is to schedule half an hour to sit down and go through your tasks and work out when you will complete then.

Your second task is to sit down and complete them at the assigned time.

Let me know how you go.

“Separate the decision from the doing.”

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