In Perfect Time (WT763)
BlogDo you get yourself in a tizzy when things don’t go according to plan?
Are you a bit of a control freak; wanting things to be done the way you want them done, when you want them done?
I used to be like that.
I’ve mellowed over the years. I’ve come to realise and accept that things happen In Perfect Time.
Last week our air conditioner stopped working.
We called a few people. One person had a look at it and said, “That’s a warranty job. I can fix it, but it will cost you thousands because I am not an authorised warranty repairer.”
He told us who to contact, which proved challenging because we couldn’t speak to a person. Ross spent 90 minutes typing via a Chat Bot.
The Chat Bot would pass on the particulars.
Ross asked for the next steps and when these would happen, to which the Chat Box replied, “We’ll let you know.”
A week passed.
The temperature and humidity increased.
We were getting testy.
Ross followed up again with the Chat Bot.
Success! He was given a case number and the name and contact details of the authorised repairer – a real person.
To cut a long story short, the repairer came to inspect. “Yes, it’s a warranty issue. I’ve ordered the parts but don’t hold your breath. They are taking a lot longer than you might expect to get the parts.”
Not exactly the news we wanted to hear.
I sighed, smiled and thanked him.
I’ve learned that everything happens In Perfect Time.
If I get upset, it’s only me who is suffering. Being anxious, angry or stressed only puts me in the Primal State (sympathetic nervous system) and in this state I cannot be resourceful.
It will get fixed when it gets fixed.
There is nothing I can do about it at the moment.
If you find yourself in a situation that isn’t going how you want, please consider surrendering. You’ll feel a lot better, and the irony is, that when you feel better, you’re more in tune with universal energy and as a result, things often start going your way a lot quicker.
Everything happens In Perfect Time.
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