Which One Holds The Most Belief? (WT684)

Which One Holds The Most Belief? (WT684)


T 684 Which one holds the most belief?

This week I finished reading Bruce Lipton’s book, “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles”.

It was first published in 2005 and then updated ten years later in 2015.

It was a fascinating book, written by a scientist who explains how our beliefs or perceptions are “programmed” before the age of 6 and “which control our biology for the rest of our lives … or at least until we make the effort to reprogram them.” (Lipton, p173)

Lipton states that our subconscious mind controls about 95 percent of our behaviour. This explains the disconnect we have between our conscious mind where we set goals and desires and our sub-conscious mind which will either be in alignment with our goals or not.  Alignment equals achievement, non-alignment means lack of achievement or self-sabotage.

It also explains why will power alone doesn’t last.

Indeed, another great book to read to create lasting change is “Switch” by brothers Dan and Chip Heath.

In their book, they use the analogy of a rider and an elephant. The rider is our willpower, the elephant is our emotions and motivation.  Unless the elephant wants to go in the direction of the rider, the rider (willpower) has little control over where the elephant goes.

The good news is that we now know that we can change our programming. We can rewire the brain. We can change our beliefs and therefore our destiny.

The question is, which reprogramming modality to choose?

The answer, according to Lipton, is “the one in which you hold the most belief.”

You would have heard of the placebo effect before, where an inert substance (e.g. sugar pill) causes a perceived beneficial outcome.

Have you heard of the term, “nocebo”?  A nocebo is the opposite. It causes a perceived harmful outcome. For example, if you believe that a drug causes certain side effects, you will most likely manifest the side effects.

So what’s the point of our thought this week?

The point is, it’s a huge reminder that we need to accept that we are 100% responsible for our lives and what happens to us, even though we may be consciously unaware. We need to take responsibility and start to become aware of the limiting beliefs we have been programmed with (albeit unintentionally from our parents and caregivers) and do the work to change our lives so that we can all be, do, have and feel what we want.

If you’re not living the life you desire, then take responsibility for changing it. Start to notice your limiting beliefs. Invest in a training program or methodology that suits you to override the conditioning.

You can easily notice your limiting beliefs by listening to what you say, e.g. You can’t get good staff. There are no good men or women out there. It’s hard to make money.  These beliefs (perceptions or decisions) are holding you back. The only way to change them is to rewire your brain.

Depending on what you believe, below is a very small sample of different modalities that can help:

  1. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
  2. Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
  3. Psych-K (by Rob Williams)
  4. Neuro Linguistic Programming
  5. Silva Mind Control Method
  6. Various forms of energy healing

The important thing here is that it doesn’t matter which modality you choose. The one that will work is the one which holds the most belief.

P.S. Our next Loyal Lieutenant masterclass series is starting in September.  If you own a business and are desperate to have some help so you can step back and not have to do everything, reply to this email and let’s talk. It is possible to have a business and a life you love.

P.P. S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

You’re Only Cheating Yourself (WT683)

You’re Only Cheating Yourself (WT683)


WT 683 You are only cheating yourself

Have you ever “gone on a diet”?

Have you ever taken action to change a habit?

This week I started back on “The Fast 800”. Eight hundred refers to the number of calories you can eat in a day.

I followed it a year or two ago and released about 8 kilos. (I can’t say lost, or I might find it again, which I did.)

I found it challenging and I know what I am in for again.

I’m having to use my mindset training not to allow my limiting beliefs to dominate and create the exact experience I don’t want, e.g. “It’s going to be hard”.   Well, that may not be true. It could be easy.

I’m also having to be even more aware of my thoughts, feelings and actions.

The other night Ross made a beautiful dinner based on beans (legumes) with some lettuce and pickled cucumbers etc.

As I took my plate back into the kitchen I saw two servings of beans still in the frypan.

I put my plate down and walked over and started to pick at the beans with my fingers.

I ate two mouthfuls and a voice in my head said, “You’re only cheating yourself”.

It was true. It didn’t matter to Ross if I ate more beans or not. It wasn’t like I was trying to hide from him and no-one else would know if I tucked in and ate more of the beans.

It’s times like these that give us the opportunity to understand ourselves.

It’s times like these that challenge us to stay true to our goals and take the action necessary to achieve them.

It’s times like these that require us to flex our discipline muscles.

If we set a goal and don’t do the work to achieve it, we’re only cheating ourselves.

How about you?

Have you set a goal recently? Is there something you want?

Have you started taking action or are you still thinking about it?

If you’ve started taking action, are you being persistent and disciplined or are you letting yourself off the hook and cheating yourself?

 And one last point, there are two schools of thought on this one; if you have a goal, vision or dream you want:

  1. Don’t tell anyone, in order to avoid the negative energy of the naysayers, or
  2. Tell everyone to keep yourself accountable.

Guess which one I’m following.

Now that I have “spilled the beans” and shared, I have to keep going otherwise I’ll experience the pain of embarrassment.  Out of two forms of motivation, move away from pain or toward pleasure, I’m definitely a “move away from pain” gal.

How about you?   Away from pain or toward pleasure?

Knowing yourself helps you lead and manage yourself.

Remember, if you cheat, you’re only cheating yourself.

P.S. Our next Loyal Lieutenant masterclass series is starting in September.  Running for 9 weeks over zoom, I will personally guide you through my 5 Steps to Business Freedom so you can streamline your operations, discover how to write procedures the right way and develop Key Performance Indicators and Key Behaviour Indicators for you and your team. It’s practical. You’ll be completing assignments each week so at the end you will have already started improving your productivity, plus you have the opportunity to be coached in real time by me. Starts Tuesday 5th September 9:30am – 11:00am Sydney time.  Reply to this email if you’re interested.

P.P. S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

The Dash (WT682)

The Dash (WT682)


WT 682 The dash

This week I had a really interesting conversation with a participant in the next Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience.

Participants complete a profile and we spend 2 hours together understanding the report and identifying what works and what gets in the way of achieving what they want.

Participants share their life stories and I feel very privileged to hear what people have done and experienced in their lives.

In our meeting this week, I commented about the poem “The Dash” by Linda Ellis, that is often read at funerals and which is about the metaphor of the hyphen that separates the birth date and death date on a tombstone.

It represents what we do between the two dates and I commented that this participant has a big dash, not that she is old, rather that she has done a lot in her lifetime.

It got me thinking about my dash. What are the things that I’ve done and experienced so far? What have I learned? And like the poem suggests, am I living life to the full? Am I living the life I want to live?

These are big questions. How would you answer them for yourself?

Are you spending time with those you love?

Do you enjoy the work you do?

Are you making a difference to others?

Is there something else you’d rather be doing?

Is there somewhere else you’d rather be living?

Let’s take the time to reflect.

Let’s think about the time we have left. (For me, I’ve decided that’s at least another 37 years.)

What do you want to be, do, have and feel?

If you’re not being, doing, having and feeling what you want, then maybe it’s time to make some changes.

What do you want to include in your dash?

P.S. If you’ve been sitting on the fence thinking you might like to register for the Leading Yourself and Leading Experience but haven’t quite committed, now might be a good time to reach out and make it happen. I can guarantee you it will change your life.

P.P. S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

There Are Always More Options (WT680)

There Are Always More Options (WT680)


WT 680 There are always more options

This week’s thought is for those who may get disheartened thinking that you only have one option and if you get a “No” that it’s the end of your desire.

Not true. There are always more options.

I’m in the midst of writing my next book, “Leaders are Listeners”. I wanted to make sure that I don’t infringe copyright and that I acknowledge my mentors and coaches and other great resources.

The book includes some concepts and activities from the Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience.

You might be thinking, “Why would you include activities from your Leadership experience in your book? Shouldn’t that be reserved for participants only?”

The answer is “No”. Think about it this way. If you like a musician or a band, you buy the album or listen to Spotify etc. however most of us still want to go to the concerts and see them live.

This happened for me with Jack Canfield’s book, “The Success Principles – How to Get From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be”. Ross bought it for my birthday and I was so excited by all the activities he shared in his book, that the very next year, we headed to Scottsdale, Arizona to join his week-long course, “Breakthrough to Success”.

As I reviewed the content that I wanted to include, there were some concepts that were part of a program that I had been trained and accredited to teach but I didn’t want to include them all.

Without asking, I assumed that I would have to leave them out.

Here’s the thing, there are always more options. Sometimes it takes someone else to see them and show you.

In my case, I was offered two options, one of which suited me perfectly.

If you’re currently telling yourself “No” and giving up on something you want, please take another look.  Talk to others who may see things from a completely different perspective.

Remember, there are always more options and if you’re committed, truly committed, the answers will appear.

P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

You Gotta Keep At It (WT678)

You Gotta Keep At It (WT678)


WT 678 You have to keep at it

You may have heard the term “overnight success story” in the media from time to time.

The interesting thing is that most “overnight” successes have taken 10-20 years.

Now, that’s not to dishearten you, rather I want to encourage you to keep going.

If you’ve started something, don’t give up if it’s not an overnight success.

I’ve been running the leadership experiences for over 10 years and there were times when I could have called it quits and now we receive so many referrals from past students, we would be doing our clients a disservice if we stopped. Same with the Weekly Thoughts.

You gotta keep at it, whatever “it” is for you.

Here’s what inspired this story:

A friend of mine, who is a very very successful businessperson, was telling me about a recent class she attended and the decision the teacher had to make about going forward.

The teacher had recently started the classes, even though she was not from Newcastle and had little to no network to draw upon for support.

It was taking the teacher a while to recruit students and of course she had to pay for the hire of the venue, so initially she was not even covering her costs.

Add to this her offer to provide two free lessons for each student, it was not stacking up to be a good business investment.

She was at the crossroads. She had invested some money into letterbox drops and had an outdoor sign made that advertised her classes. The venue wanted her to keep going.

In his song, Willie Nelson advises us that we have to “know when to hold them and know when to fold them”.

Sometimes it feels like a hard decision to make. Sometimes the logical facts say “Quit. Give Up. It’s not worth going on.”

And yet, for the successful businesses, many are successful because the owners committed and persevered. 

If it’s what you want to do, you’ve gotta keep at it.

Have faith and keep going.

P.S. If you’ve been thinking about joining the next Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience in August. Contact me urgently to Save $1,000. Early bird discount ends 30th June. Find out more here https://shirleydalton.com/leading-yourself-leading-others-may2020/.

P.P. S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

My Beautiful Bookcases (WT677)

My Beautiful Bookcases (WT677)


WT 677 My beautiful bookcase

Firstly, congratulations to Joanne Danckwardt. Joanne is the lucky winner of The Loyal Lieutenant Masterclass Series to celebrate our 13 years of Weekly Thoughts.

Secondly, thank you for your beautiful messages last week. I appreciate and enjoy receiving your feedback.

Now to this week’s thought – my beautiful bookcases.

Well, they will be when they’re finished.

There’s a couple of messages to this week:

  1. How to lose a customer
  2. The power of teamwork
  3. A lesson in patience
  4. The beauty of craftsmanship

When I packed up my books before we went travelling, I had 500. I think that number has now grown to over 600, so you can imagine my excitement when Ross said he would make me some bookcases. Finally, I could unpack the 14+ boxes of books.

I was over the moon, until he took me to the plywood shop and showed me what they would be made of.

Besides that, we arrived at the shop at 12:15pm on a Saturday and they closed at 12:30pm. The salesperson was totally disinterested and kept looking at the clock, until finally I asked, “Did we come at the wrong time?”

“Yes”, he replied. “I’m about to start packing up in 5 minutes.”

I convinced Ross to look elsewhere and we went to Bunnings.

“Oooooh, look at this wood Ross”, I motioned for him to cover over.

It was beautiful wood and was on sale.

We figured out how much we needed, a total of 39 pieces and don’t forget the varnish or the backing plywood.

Clapping my hands together, I thought we would get them made over the rest of the weekend. I have to say my patience was tested. When I want something done, I want it done. How about you?

Two weeks later and they are still in construction, despite both of us working on them consistently.  Ross cut the boards to size and sanded and I painted. It was great to work together and we got so much more done by teaming up and doing the work we each enjoyed and were good at.

It was also tempting to rush and rationalise a poor job, “it’s only a bookcase and it will be covered in books”.

Whilst we still have a way to go, I am sooooo happy to see them come together. The bookcases (3 of them) are being made with love and look amazing. I can’t wait to get my books out, (my babies) and display them on my beautiful bookcases.

How about you? Have you got a special piece of furniture or something you’ve made or had made for you? How about working as a team?  What does that feel like for you?

P.S. Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience starts Thursday 3rd August. Save $1,000. Early bird discount ends 30th June. Thursdays, 3rd, 17th, 24th and 31st August. Find out more here https://shirleydalton.com/leading-yourself-leading-others-may2020/.

P.P. S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

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