Well, here we are again at the end of another year.
As we look back over the year, I encourage you to focus on the good and positive and be grateful for all that 2023 brought you.
Even the things that were not to your preference.
As David Bayer says, “Life is always working for us, even if at times, it is not to our preference”.
When I think about this mantra, I’m reminded that the Universe or God or Infinite Intelligence (whatever name you prefer) is working tirelessly to bring us what we want.
From our perspective here on earth, we can’t see all the moving parts that have to be organised in order for us to get what we want.
In fact, just a couple of weeks ago, I sternly reminded Mary (not her real name) to “shut up and let the universe do its job”.
Mary is a great student who actions the feedback. She’s not one to blame or argue, rather she acknowledges her role in co-creating what happens in her life and within a few weeks she rang me to tell me all her good news and how the Universe had delivered.
Remember, our job is to know the what and the why and take inspired action. Our job is not to know the how.
We simply can’t know all the moving parts, let alone control them, so as Esther Hicks says, “Hand it over to the General Manager”.
If you’re up for another great read along these lines and looking to increase your prosperity in 2024, then I highly recommend “The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity” by Edwene Gaines or even better, it’s a great listen on Audible or other similar program.
As you close 2023 and look to 2024, invest some time to write down what you want for 2024 and then close your eyes and imagine receiving what you want. As you close your eyes, feel what you’ll feel when you have it. Hear what you’ll hear when you have it as well as see it.
The quickest way to bring what you want is to feel as if you already have it (because you do) and be grateful for the gift that’s on its way.
Let me know what’s on your bucket list and let’s cross them off at the end of 2024.
As an example, Ross and I have booked a trip to South Africa in April 2024. So far I’ve registered for a 4 day course and booked the airfare. I can’t wait to see how the Universe delivers an amazing trip for us as we cross off our bucket list item to visit a game park and see the animals up close.
Thanks so much for being part of my community this year. I look forward to continuing the journey with you in 2024.
Happy new year!
P. S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.
BRAND NEW 10 Week online Leadership Fundamentals experience starts Tuesday 16th January 2024. Sessions are LIVE and led by myself. There’s absolutely no reason why you can’t find 90 minutes a week to improve yourself and your leadership skills. You don’t have to be in a formal leadership position at work. These skills are life skills. If you’re interested, contact me and let me know and we’ll organise a time to chat. Be part of another great team and get the results you want.