
SD #110 – 5 Steps to Business Freedom

SD #110 – 5 Steps to Business Freedom

In this, our final episode of Reclaim Your Freedom, Shirley shares her 5 Steps to Business Freedom to help business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders and managers to Reclaim their Freedom and Create their Ideal Business Lifestyle.  Looking back over the past 2 years,...

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SD #108 – The Value of Your Vision

SD #108 – The Value of Your Vision

Join us this week as Vision Mastery Strategist, Meshell Baker shares her 6 Steps to help you eliminate the perfectionism that is prohibiting you from taking action. Instead of offering you options of what to DO, Meshell presents a process of how to BE.  When you...

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SD #105 – The 21st Century Workplace

SD #105 – The 21st Century Workplace

In this fascinating interview with Alliance Virtual Offices CEO Frank Cottle, we take a look at the workplace of the past and the work space of the future. Discover what it means to have a flexible and mobile workforce and the benefits to your business as well as the...

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SD #098 – My Superlative Life | Grace Kim

SD #098 – My Superlative Life | Grace Kim

Life is not a war nor a battle nor an uphill struggle. For many, it feels like it because that’s what we’ve been taught. We often feel like life happens to us, shit hits the fan more often than not, and we’re constantly in a race to beat the stress, not-enough-ness,...

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SD #096 – The Power Of Influence | Jerry Knight

SD #096 – The Power Of Influence | Jerry Knight

Being able to influence people in a positive way is a special skill. This week we talk with Master Influencer and hypnotherapist Jerry Knight as he shares his stories of powerfully influencing peaceful operations in dangerous combat areas throughout the world and how...

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