Overwhelm is a State of Mind (WT620)

Overwhelm is a State of Mind (WT620)


WT 620 Overwhelm is a state of mind

This week I’ve been hearing myself and many others describe their feelings of overwhelm.

“I can’t get it all done.”

“There’s not enough time.”

“There’s too much to do.”

And my favourite, “I’ve got a To Do List as long as a toilet roll”.

It’s time to reveal the truth about overwhelm. Overwhelm is a state of mind.

It describes how we are allowing ourselves to feel.

Thanks to David Bayer, I discovered the unintelligent thinking around overwhelm.

When we’re feeling overwhelmed, we are in what Bayer calls, the “Primal State” where we experience stress, anxiety, indecision and procrastination.

Think about it. When was the last time you felt overwhelmed and in that state, how productive or creative were you?

So how do we get out of overwhelm?

Firstly, by recognising that it is a state of mind and that we can easily change our state.

The number of tasks on your list and the available time isn’t going to change until you change your state of mind.

My best mantra when I find myself in this state is to quote Bayer, “What’s really true is that which didn’t get done yesterday, didn’t need to get done and how do I know that, because it didn’t get done.”

If you take notice, you’ll find the things you need to get done, do get done. In my experience, I somehow find the time or reprioritise if it absolutely has to be done. I expect you are the same.

So let’s drop this word from our vocabulary.

Let’s take charge of our state of mind.

Let’s reconnect with that state of being where we are creative problem solvers and open to allowing the universe to correspond with us.

Take action on the things that must be done.

Choose to live in ease and flow. Relax. You’ll be far more productive. You don’t have to get it all done today. You can still succeed.

Overwhelm is a state of mind.

Trust that if you stay committed to action, while living in what Bayer calls the “Powerful State” (of rest, relaxation and ease), everything you desire will come to you in due time.

Let go of overwhelm. It’s just a state of mind.

P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

It’s Just Data (WT619)

It’s Just Data (WT619)


WT 619 It's just data

When things happen, do you get emotional?

I do!

Although these days I can usually calm myself down fairly quickly and coach myself out of a full blown tizzy or an unthoughtful reaction.

I thought it might be a useful discussion this week.

When I worked for Kip McGrath Education Centres I really appreciated working with Storm McGrath because he had the ability to be detached.

If something happened (and keep in mind, this was 20 odd years ago), and I got emotional, I knew my logic went out the window.  You may know the saying, “When emotion is high, intelligence is low”.

Well fortunately for me, Storm was always logical and calm. I would go to him for counsel and he would listen, process the information and then share a logical considered response with me which I was able to action. In what we call the Primal state, I would never have been able to come up with the solution.

This week, one of my colleagues, Mark Kentwell, used a phrase which explained how Storm had been able to process my reaction all those years ago.

According to Mark, “It’s just data”.

When we receive feedback, it’s just data. It’s only information.

There is no need to get plugged into the information. That’s all it is.

As David Bayer says, “There is no suffering in the experience. It’s just an experience. The suffering comes from the meaning we give it.”

So, if you’ve found yourself suffering recently; becoming emotional when you needn’t be or losing it when you really need to keep it together, keep in mind Mark’s mantra, “It’s just data”.

Give it a go.

See if it makes a difference and helps you to get out of the Primal and into the Powerful state more quickly.

And if you’ve received some feedback that has caused you to react, remember, it’s just data. It’s only information. You can decide how you deal with it.

P.S. Are you in Newcastle, NSW?  Are you interested to learn How Your Personality Affects How Well You Lead? If so, please join me on Wed 8th June 11:30am for lunch. I’ll be presenting an interactive session at The Lake Macquarie Business Women’s Network. I’d love you to join me.

P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

The Happiest People (WT618)

The Happiest People (WT618)


WT 618 The Happiest People

You’ve probably heard of Anh Do. He’s a TV presenter, comedian and author.

He wrote a book called “The Happiest Refugee” based on his experience as a Vietnamese refugee.

From what I have seen of him, he is a great role model for someone who is grateful.

His book title was the inspiration for this week’s thought – The Happiest People.

In my experience, the happiest people are those that are grateful.

They are the ones who gush praise and thanks when someone does something for them.

They are the ones who see the job completed and are so happy that it has been done. They are not the ones who see the bits that were missed or the mistakes that were made.

This is relevant both at home and at work.

When I was a young girl and living at home with mum and dad, I would often offer to hang the clothes on the line for mum.

Instead of being grateful and appreciative of the help, mum would stand on the back verandah and correct my technique – same with the ironing.

The end result – she was never happy with what I did and I wasn’t encouraged to want to help.

The happiest people are those that are thankful for the work or the effort and they express their gratitude, which encourages us to want to do more.

So, which category are you? 

Are you grateful for the help and the work that your team or colleagues do? Do you thank them and praise them or do you often find fault with what they do and let them know how they could have done it better or different?

Next time you might be tempted to become a forensic investigator, put away the magnifying glass and look at the big picture.

The happiest people are those that are grateful.

P.S. The Loyal Lieutenant – How The Second-in-Command Brings The CEO’s Vision To Life. Order your copy here, https://shirleydalton.com/books

P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

Almost a Blotched Record (WT616)

Almost a Blotched Record (WT616)


WT 616 OMG! Almost a  Bloctched Record

It’s Good Friday. I was at the sink washing up, preparing for family to come to lunch.

“OMG! I forgot the Weekly Thought”, I screamed to Ross.

With 10 minutes before our guests arrived, I’m sitting here writing to you because I don’t want to ruin my record of not having missed a week in almost 12 years.

It’s an important goal and commitment of mine – to be consistent.

I’ve been working really long hours the past few weeks and I set another goal that I would finish work last night at 5pm and have 4 days off over Easter.

Well, I finished at 6pm, so an hour later than I planned.

Still, I was determined to set boundaries for myself and not do any work.

I completely forgot that I hadn’t organised the Weekly Thought until just now.

You know that feeling, when you remember, remember someone’s birthday right up until the day and then you forget.

“Doh! How painful is that? How much do you bash yourself up, wishing you had remembered on the day?”

So far, I’m not late and my record is intact because the Thoughts are due each Friday.


For me there are a couple of morals to this story.

  1. It’s not too late to go for and meet your goals and commitments.
  2. When you forget, let it go and get on with it.  Carrying negative energy over something you can’t change doesn’t serve anyone.
  3. Set your boundaries and stick to them.

So I wish you a very happy Easter break and I trust you’ll set yourself some boundaries and allow yourself some downtime.

Downtime is important. We need to rest and recharge and the only person who can ensure that happens is yourself.

No need to be guilty.  You do need to take some time for yourself.

Okay – record intact. Guests just arrived.

What will you do next time you almost miss a goal/commitment?

P.S. The Loyal Lieutenant – How The Second-in-Command Brings The CEO’s Vision To Life. Order your copy here, https://shirleydalton.com/books

P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

What’s The Right Thing To Do (WT614)

What’s The Right Thing To Do (WT614)


WT 614 What's the right thing to do

I was sitting at my desk, which is opposite the window in my office.

I noticed a young boy and a dog walk past.

Thankfully the dog didn’t stop to you know what.

Next thing I heard the lid on the neighbour’s garbage being opened and shut really quickly.

That’s odd, I thought.  The neighbour was at work. It was about 4:00pm. I didn’t give it any more thought until Ross happened to mention the garbage lid.

Ross was outside when the young boy and dog walked past.

He watched the young boy lift the lid on the neighbour’s bin (which usually sits outside on the nature strip in front of his house).

The young boy had a small plastic bag in his hand which he threw in the neighbour’s bin.

Yep. It was the dog pooh.

“Uggh!  Wow!” I exclaimed to Ross.  “That’s not very nice.”

“He does it all the time”, said Ross.

“Oh, that’s a bit ordinary. I wouldn’t like it in my bin.”

“Well, he’s sort of doing the right thing” argued Ross. “At least he picks it up.”

Oh boy. This conversation wasn’t going anywhere I wanted it to go.

Still Ross had a point.

What’s the right thing to do?

Pick up the pooh, even if you dump it in someone else’s bin or not pick up the pooh?

Or pick up the pooh and take it home with you or throw it in a public garbage bin?

I know one thing for sure, I certainly won’t be leaving my bin out the front any longer than it needs to be.

Over to you, what’s the right thing to do?

Another of those values collisions?

What’s that you ask?

A values collision occurs when we have a difference of opinion and yet there is no tangible effect on me for you having a different opinion or value.

Values collisions require different skills to resolve.

And I’m curious. What would you do if you were the young boy with the dog?

P.S. I’m so chuffed. People are reading my book and the feedback has been awesome. “A pocket full of goodness” said one reader. That makes me so happy that a. it’s being read and b. readers are getting great value from it (Win Win).  Order your copy here, https://shirleydalton.com/books

P.P.S Dates for our next Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience have been set for May in Newcastle, NSW.   Tuesday 3rd May, Thursdays 12th, 19th and 26th May.  For more information go to https://shirleydalton.com/leading-yourself-leading-others-may2020/

P.P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

What I Missed (WT613)

What I Missed (WT613)


WT 613 What I missed

Years ago, like nearly 30, I was employed in various government departments. At the time, one of the buzz words was “community”.  I confess, I really didn’t understand what it meant.

In fact, it wasn’t until years later that I understood it to mean people knowing each other and looking after and supporting each other (my definition).

Last weekend I happened to be walking along the street with a new friend when I bumped into an old friend. Immediately we hugged (ooops, forgot about Covid) and had a chat.

It was so nice to see someone familiar; someone with whom I had history.

We had both been members of The Newcastle Speakers Club for years, during which we got to know each other and support each other as well as our fellow members and families.

It was a close knit “community”.

As we drove home I reflected on how nice it was to be out with friends and to see old friends.

I realised that this was something that I had missed whilst we were travelling.

We would arrive at a new location and know nobody.

If we needed help, we felt awkward to ask because we hadn’t had the opportunity to help others first.

I was also less concerned about my appearance because I was confident I wouldn’t run into anyone I know. Now we’re back, thank you for the accountability.  Minus 7kgs so far.

What’s the point?

The point is we need each other.

None of us are islands. It’s nice to know that there are people around who know us, like us and care for us.

Thank you for being part of my “online community”. Let me know what your definition of community is.

P.S. If you’re interested to learn my 4 step process for streamlining your business, or you’ve found yourself in the second-in-command position at work, you might find the information in the book helpful. Order your copy here, https://shirleydalton.com/books

P.P.S Dates for our next Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience have been set for May in Newcastle, NSW.   Tuesday 3rd May, Thursdays 12th, 19th and 26th May.  For more information go to https://shirleydalton.com/leading-yourself-leading-others-may2020/

P.P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

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