I Like The Way You Think (WT643)

I Like The Way You Think (WT643)


WT 643 I like the way you think

Finally, after months of renovating, it was moving day.

I’m always a little anxious when it comes to moving.

In the past, and we’ve had many moves, we were often still packing as the removalists arrived.

This time wasn’t any different.

Scrambling to get office stuff put into boxes so the removalists could take the filing cabinets and credenza, we eventually got there and they were able to complete packing the truck.

Always an avid observer of people, I was impressed with how the head guy operated.

Upon arrival he did a walk through with Ross to assess the job. What was going? Where were the exit options? How was it going to fit on the truck?

He created a plan for which items had to be moved first and then executed the plan, all the while giving instructions to his very strong team mate.

When they arrived at the new house he took his time to assess the best place to park the truck.

The house has a very steep driveway and 14 stairs to the upper level.

He had knocked on the neighbour’s door to see if they would mind if he parked over their driveway. The neighbours didn’t answer. I suggested it would be okay, despite having ignored their moving tips of letting the neighbours know to expect the removalists.

He decided to turn the truck around, facing the opposite direction to the traffic to enable him to position a sideways ramp from the truck to halfway up the driveway. This eliminated the steepest part.

Impressive. I mentioned to Ross how much I liked the way he thought about things.

Another walk through of the destination house, another plan, and off they went, efficiently and effectively dispatching the furniture and they were careful too.

Often with removalists, there doesn’t seem to be a great care factor for the walls etc. in their haste to get things done, nor does there seem to be a plan other than, put it in the truck, take it out of the truck.

This guy was refreshingly different.

He was a thinker and thankfully for us, was able to work out a plan to get the lounge over the front railing onto the verandah on the second story. He was tall, but not that tall to lift a 3 seater lounge over his head from the driveway. He asked Ross to drive Harry HiLux up to driveway and he would stand on the back of Harry and lift the lounge. OMG!

Next challenge was the sliding door didn’t want to come out to allow extra room. Once the lounge was on the verandah, it had to go in that way, so it was up to very strong team mate to get the door out. Lounge delivered, no damage to the lounge, door or walls. Thank you so much.

So what’s the point of this week’s thought?

Are you a thinker or a bull at a gate?

Do you take time to work out what you have to do before jumping into doing it?

How about your team?

Are they helping or hindering your company’s reputation?

If I was working with you and your team would I be reflecting that I like the way you think?

P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

I’m Not Trying To Get Another Job Out Of You (WT640)

I’m Not Trying To Get Another Job Out Of You (WT640)



WT 640 I'm not trying to get another job out of you

Here’s a perfect example of two different perceptions:

We were running out of time to get the painting done in the house before the carpet was to be laid and we move in.

We asked around and got a recommendation for a painter.

We engaged the painter to paint all the internal walls and ceilings for us.

As we drove up to the house one morning, I realised we also needed to get the “very high and very steep” sides of the external walls painted as well.

As it happened, the painter was just setting up outside when we arrived, so we asked him about the external walls.

“Yes, no problem”, he could do that. We would just need to organise some sort of scaffolding.

As we walked back to the front of the house, he pointed out the garage doors and said, “I’m not trying to get another job out of you but I could paint those garage doors for you, if you were thinking of replacing them.”

Indeed, replacing the garage doors was on my big list of things to fix or replace.

He repeated himself, “I’m not trying to get another job out of you. I don’t know how much it would cost to replace the doors, but it would be a few hours work and the cost of the paint. This would most likely be a lot cheaper than buying new doors. I estimate it would be about $x.”

The $x was about half of what I expected it might cost to replace the doors.

I found it curious that he kept justifying himself with “I’m not trying to get another job out of you”, when I was very appreciative of him letting me know that he could do the job and the bonus was that we wouldn’t have to replace the doors and it would cost substantially less.

It’s fascinating to me to see how we clearly communicate our limiting beliefs to others.

The painter seemed to be embarrassed about letting me know that he could do the extra work. It was as if he was apologising for offering the work that would cost me more money and yet from my point of view, I was extremely grateful to him for telling me what he could do.

Think about yourself for a moment. If someone was listening to you, would they have a different perception of what you are saying?

Are you aware enough to pick up when you verbalise a limiting belief?

That’s your mission this week. Listen to what people are saying to you. Listen to yourself. See if you notice any limiting beliefs.

You might just find that your customers appreciate you letting them know what you can do for them.

P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah (WT635)

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah (WT635)


WT 635 Blah blah blah

About 16 or 17 years ago I read Jack Canfield’s book, “The Success Principles: How To Get From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be”.

Every morning I would read a chapter before going to work. In the book, Jack gave many examples of activities the participants experienced in his week long course, “Breakthrough to Success”.

As I read about the activities, I wanted to experience them for myself, which we did in 2007 when we headed to Scottsdale, Arizona to join 400 other attendees.

At first I thought Jack was a bit silly sharing his activities in the book, until one of my mentors enlightened me with the analogy of music. 

“Shirl, when you buy a record (it was a while ago), do you think to yourself that there’s no point going to the concert because you’ve heard all the songs?”

“Of course not! I want to go even more to see the band or singer live.”


So, <name>, I’m happy to share an exercise we did in the Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience today.

 It’s called “Blah blah blah” and Ross and I first came across this at Jack Canfield’s course when he introduced us to Hale Dwoskin who introduced us to The Sedona Method.

The exercise I created also features the work of Loretta Malandro, from her book, “Fearless Leadership”.

Participants have to share a story about a time when they felt they were the victim in a situation. They tell their partner their story, embellishing and fully embracing being the victim. At the end, the partner is asked how they felt listening to the story. Did they recoil or did they find themselves becoming co-conspirators, feeling sorry for the victim?

The next part of the exercise is to retell the story, only this time, to simply recite facts without judgement or blame or emotion. They are also to own their part in the situation.

At the end of the 2nd telling of the story, partners provide feedback on which version they preferred. In all cases, it ends up being the second version.

So we follow up with a third version and this time, participants must again tell their victim story with all the passion they had in the first version, except that they can only use the word “Blah”.

Go ahead, tell someone your victim story with all the passion and energy you have using the word “Blah”.  If you’re like our participants, it won’t be long before you’re rolling about laughing.

It’s really difficult to be emotional and upset while you’re laughing so hard.

The irony is that this version is what most people hear anyway. Most people aren’t that interested in hearing the victim story. “Blah blah blah blah blah.”

Next time you find yourself feeling like a victim, remember this activity and if you do share with someone, be sure to follow version 2. Stick to the facts and own your part in it. You’ll get a much better response from your listener.

P.S. HOT OFF THE PRESS. From 30th September 2022 for 9 weeks, I’ll be leading an online masterclass series to guide participants through the steps I use to help businesses systemise and streamline their processes.  Each week we’ll cover a chapter in my book The Loyal Lieutenant: How the Second-in-Command Brings the CEO’s Vision to Life to help you implement my proprietary system and get your processes and procedures DONE. Go to shirleydaltoncourse.com for more information.

P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

Dance With Their Energy (WT634)

Dance With Their Energy (WT634)


WT 634 Dance with their energy

In today’s Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience I ended up doing an impromptu Aikido demonstration with one of the participants.

Aikido is a martial art and one of its principles is to dance with the energy of your opponent.

How is this relevant to leadership?

As I explained in the session, when we are confronted by an angry team member or customer, often our first reaction is to push back and resist. This doesn’t help to resolve the situation. Rather it either keeps us stuck resisting each other or inflames the situation.

With the principle of Aikido, you actually welcome the energy of your opponent and you dance with it. This means you take their force and you control it.

The same thing is possible when confronted by an angry or passionate person. Figuratively speaking, you want to welcome the energy and dance with it.

You do this by using your Active Listening skills.

Rather than defending or justifying yourself, or worse, arguing and resisting, if you listen to what the other is saying, and I mean Active Listen them, as in demonstrate you heard and understood, you actually reduce the energy they are thrusting at you.

When you have embraced their energy and what they are saying, you are in a much better position to be able to assert yourself and be heard.

For example, say a customer is screaming at you because their favourite cereal is not available. Rather than defending yourself or the company, manufacturer or courier company, active listen to what they are saying and if they demand that you take a certain course of action, simply respond with “Yes, we can do that AND ………”. The “AND” enables you to offer an alternative solution without causing them to increase their intensity and conviction.

You don’t need to argue. You can simply active listen, agree that what they are suggesting is something that “could be done” and then when you have helped them to calm down and be more responsive to your suggestions, you can assert yourself and work towards collaborating to find a mutually agreeable solution.

I encourage you to test it out.

Dance with their energy rather than fight with or resist it.

P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts

Trust Them To Do The Job (WT631)

Trust Them To Do The Job (WT631)


WT 631 Trust them to do the job

In over 40 years of working, I’ve never met anyone who said they like to be micromanaged.

What is micromanaging?

For me, micromanaging is not trusting your people to do the work.

It’s being critical instead of grateful.

Micromanagers blame others when things go wrong and they don’t take responsibility. “Why did you do that, when I told you to do this?”

Micromanagers are also passive aggressive. “If I’m not around, what are you going to do – nothing?”

Micromanagers confuse their people. “Why didn’t you let me check before you sent that out?” “Why don’t you think for yourself?”

Micromanagers cause their people to go into the primal state, causing them to feel anxious and fearful.

When you’re in the primal state, your only thoughts and bodily actions are those of survival.  If we want people to be creative and solve problems, we need to encourage them. We need them in the powerful state.

You have to trust your team to do the job.

That includes making sure you give good instructions and training. Empower your team to step up. Encourage them to succeed. Praise them when they do.

Normally a conscientious employee, I learned to become helpless and to submit inferior work when one of my bosses asked me to draft letters and marketing material on his behalf.  After drafting a couple, which I had poured my heart and soul into getting right, he took out the red pen and made comments all over them.  I learned that I was never going to make him happy. I learned that he would always “improve” what I had done, so I started to care less. I would quickly write something on paper, without giving it too much thought because I knew he would edit it anyway. It didn’t make me feel very good because I am an achiever. With that boss, I never felt like I could achieve.

If you’re a leader, manager, supervisor or colleague. Empower your team. Trust them to do the job. The more you trust them, the more they’ll give you. The more they give you, the more they’ll feel like they are achieving and in the powerful state. They’ll come up with even more solutions and ideas and they’ll love you and be loyal.

Nobody likes a micromanager. Trust your people to do the job.

P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

Shirl Wants One (WT525)

Shirl Wants One (WT525)


WT 625 Shirl wants one

Firstly, congratulations to our lucky winners from last week, where we celebrated 12 years of thoughts and welcome to our new subscribers.

Last week I attended the Lake Macquarie Women in Business Network and gave a presentation on How Your Personality Affects How Well You Lead.

It was a lot of fun with a great group of ladies.

We went through the REACH profiles and had a giggle at some of the differences.

This week’s thought continues the theme, however I didn’t find the example I’m about to share, as funny.

Here’s what happened:

Ross has a mate whose mum has dementia and yet she is still able to sew. She makes beautiful little zippered bags for your cosmetics or coins etc. and some lovely bags to hold your pegs, which clip onto your clothesline.

Ross’ mate was visiting his mum on the long weekend.

I asked Ross if he could call his mate and ask if his mum had any more peg bags.

I overheard Ross leaving a message for his mate.

“Has your mum got any more peg bags? Shirl wants one.”


“Wow! That is such a Driver comment”, I said to Ross.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Straight to the point. No niceties, no rapport, no manners”, I replied.

“What’s wrong with that?” he said. “You do want one.”

“Yes. I do want one, however that’s not the way I would have asked.”

“So what would you have said”, he challenged.

“I would have shown appreciation for him and his mum. For example, hey Shane, Shirl really loves those peg bags that your mum makes. She was wondering if she has some, could you please bring one back for her.”

“There’s no need for all that”, says Ross. “You want one. I asked.”

Oh dear!  That’s an example of the difference between a Driver personality and a Coach personality.

At the end of the day, I suppose neither is right or wrong. We are just different. The important thing is to use the right “language” for the right personality.

How would you have asked? What would you have said?

P.S.  Early Bird Discount, (saving up to $1500) for our August Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience ends on 30th June. More info here:https://shirleydalton.com/leading-yourself-leading-others-may2020/

P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

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