SD #036 – Increase your Impact, Influence and Income through Investigating Intentions | Helena Horlick
PodcastsDid you know that using Intentions can make your marketing, selling and fulfillment easy and effortless? Are you carrying around an important message for the world? Have you got big things planned for your clients? Our guest this week, Helena Holrick will share with you how to use intentions to get you and your business known. In this episode we explore ways to make sure you stand out and spread your own influence in a way that works for YOU and more importantly that makes your clients and potential clients want to do more and more business with you. You’ll learn a simple way to think through every project in a way that lets you write great copy, create great talks and influence more people as well as establish how to use the 4 Intentions to simply and easily create great marketing copy that attracts and impacts and understand and use the 3 perspectives that will ensure you are not losing clients through using a ‘one size fits all’ attraction strategy.