We Do Without Doing (WT419)

We Do Without Doing (WT419)


WT 419 We Do without doing

This week’s thought is short and sharp and maybe a little challenging. 

Every now and then I feel the need to consult an oracle and since I am not a member of a particular church, I use various affirmation cards and The Book of Runes.

This week, I selected a rune and read the message. It seemed fairly apt for where I was at, however the last sentence really resonated with me, “We do without doing and everything gets done.”  

I sat on the bed to digest this. 

In my heart, I know this to be true. In my head, I want to control things and know HOW things are going to work out. 

The rune and this week’s message is about faith, hope, intuition and trust. 

So many people I have spoken to this week are in pain. They are desperate to know the outcome. They are in a hurry to get “there” and yet we know that the universe or God always comes through although not always in the way we expect.  

So why do we get so caught up in having to know HOW things are going to happen? 

And whilst we’re on this theme, I’ve been reminded this week to come back to doing the things I love to do.  

According to Katie Ryan, the Divine Detective, there is a difference between what we like to do and what we love to do and she challenged me this week to only do what I love to do and if I couldn’t avoid something I didn’t love, then to find something about it that I did love.

All week I’ve been asking myself, “Do I love it?” 

If the answer is “No”, I allow myself to not do it, (if I don’t have to). If I do have to do it, like reconcile my accounts, I focus on what I do love about doing that; the feeling of having everything balanced and knowing exactly where things are at.

This week, I encourage you to pay attention to what you love doing and focus on that and let the universe or God take care of it for you.

As the message from the rune says, “We do without doing and everything gets done.”

What’s Your Time Integrity? (WT418)

What’s Your Time Integrity? (WT418)


WT 418 What's your time Integrity

Following on from last week where I confessed I had missed an appointment, this week I still want to talk about Time Integrity but in a different way.

When I was younger (about 30 years ago), I used to do psychic readings for people. They would book an hour and 4 hours later, they would be walking backwards up the driveway, trying to get away.

I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to give them everything I could. I did their Astrology and Numerology charts. I gave them a jewellery reading as well as a Tarot reading.

I thought I was providing so much value.

I didn’t realise that I was actually out of integrity with my time.

I had forgotten about this until this week when a colleague of mine asked for feedback on an online training seminar he presented and one person questioned him and reminded him of his lack of integrity around time.

His session was scheduled for 60-90 minutes. He finished after 3 ½ hours.

His response to the feedback was that he wanted to give massive value and share all that he had to give.

“Ouch.” It reminded me of me.

Having time integrity doesn’t only mean we show up on time. It means we stick to the time we have agreed. Your customers and staff have planned their day around the time they expect to be with you.

We are doing a disservice and disrespecting them by going over time, especially without their permission.

It also reduces the motivation for people to want to catch up on training sessions, etc. when they see the time they need to watch is now 3 ½ times longer than expected.

More is not always better. In fact, less is more.

Here’s another example. I was invited to submit an article for an industry magazine. The word limit was 500-700 words. I prepared 1440 words because I was using the content for my TV show. Being over the word count was not helpful. It reminded me of this quote “If I Had More Time, I Would Have Written a Shorter Letter”, attributed to a number of different sources. The editor was adamant, so I had to invest more time and eventually got it down to 584 words.

The editor forced me to be succinct and to choose every word carefully.

This week your task is to notice your time integrity.

Are you respecting your customers, colleagues, family and yourself or are you rationalising your time indulgence by telling yourself you are adding tremendous value?

What’s Your Time Integrity?

Are You Right or Righteous? (WT417)

Are You Right or Righteous? (WT417)


WT 417 Are you right or righteous

Wow, what a difference a week and a few days can make.

Last week I was on a high, celebrating 8 years of thoughts. 

This week was low as I succumbed to being a victim and was planning on a thought to remind us all to be our word; to apologise when we make mistakes and to consider other people. 

And yesterday that thought changed from being right to righteous as I checked my diary and to my horror realised I had done the exact same thing I was moaning about from others. 

I completely missed an appointment. 

Not just any appointment. It was a Weekly Thoughts coaching gift appointment. (My biggest apologies to Anthony!) 

So this week we take a look at the difference between being right or righteous. 

My Google search on the meaning of “righteous” helped me be able to explain it to you this way. “Righteousness stresses guiltlessness or blamelessness and often suggests the sanctimonious (making a show of being morally superior to other people)” (from Dictionary and Merriam Webster). 


In my mind I was blameless and morally superior. One of my coaches missed an appointment with me, not once but twice. I would have been ok with it, except that each time I had gotten up especially at 4:30am for the appointment. On the second occasion, the assistant did send me a cancellation notice, however with the time differences (they are on the East Coast of America – 10 hours ahead of me), the message arrived in my inbox at 1:00am. And the worst part for me, there was no apology; no recognition of the inconvenience for me. In my mind I was right and justified. 

The message in that regard is clear. Consider your audience and communicate in a timely way and let people know what’s going on. Apologise when you are in the wrong. Accept that you made a mistake and own it.   

And then when I did the exact same thing, the universe slapped me in the face. OMG! And there it was – I wasn’t being right, I was being righteous, morally justified and without blame. 

How about you? 

Are you right or righteous? 

If you’re right, go ahead and assert yourself and stand up for yourself, however if you think you’re right and without blame and insist on judging others whom you consider to be guilty, you might want to remember this saying I learned as a child, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone”.

Are you right or righteous?

The Universe Likes Speed (WT416)

The Universe Likes Speed (WT416)


WT 416 The Universe likes speed

Woo Hoo! 8 Years!

Today we celebrate 8 years of Weekly Thoughts. 

OMG! No-one is more surprised than me to reach this milestone.

And even more impressive for me is that I haven’t missed one week in all that time.

Wow, that’s commitment for you.

And these thoughts are for you.

I actually enjoy writing them and sharing what I learn along the way.

This week is no exception. Of course there is a message or three.

Dr Joe Vitale said, “The universe likes speed.” He was referring to a training program he created shortly after being featured in “The Secret”. Whilst he was out the back of his home filming his new program, a friend was on the phone leaving a message to see if he would consider creating a program to expand on “The Secret”.

The Universe Likes Speed. That’s message number 1.

Message number 2 – When you want something, you have to go for it.

Message number 3 – When presented with an opportunity you need to recognise it.

Now put those messages together and here’s your opportunity.

To celebrate completing 8 years of thoughts, I am gifting 8 x 1 hour coaching sessions with me (at no cost) to the first 8 people who reply with a resounding “Yes Please”.

If you’d like to invest an hour of your time with me, I promise to provide world class coaching for you on any topic you nominate (as long as it’s legal and moral). It doesn’t matter where you are in the world. This gift is open to you, my treasured Weekly Thoughts subscriber.

If you want it, go for it.

Recognise the opportunity and act with speed.

And just to encourage you, I consistently take my own advice. That’s how I ended up in the Bahamas a few weeks ago, receiving world class consulting for myself. That’s how come I’ve worked with and learned personally from such personal and business development gurus like John Assaraf, Jack Canfield and David Bayer and Sales and Marketing gurus like Wendy Stevens (Guerrilla Marketing), Charlie Fusco, Lisa Sasevich, Mike Koenigs and Personal Growth and Transformation greats like Sandra Bravo, Michael Domeyko Rowland and Alpha Dynamics, to name but a few. 

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to give the gift of what I do best.

Please don’t be shy. Please don’t consider yourself not worthy or not deserving. There are no hidden agendas. This is my way of saying “Thank You to you, my lovely Weekly Thoughts subscriber for your continued support over the past 8 years”.

I look forward to seeing you take action towards manifesting the life you want to live. And if you’re reading this after the event or you didn’t quite get there; don’t worry, the 3 messages for this week are important life lessons and I plan on continuing for at least another 2 years; so plenty more thoughts to come.

Perfectionism or Procrastination (WT415)

Perfectionism or Procrastination (WT415)


WT 415 Perfectionism or Procrastination

I’ve mentioned many times before that there seems to be a theme emerge for the Weekly Thought. 

This week’s theme is perfectionism or procrastination. 

On three separate occasions the past few weeks, I was reminded of the difference and how perfectionism can stop us in our tracks. 

Scene 1: A coaching client gave me all sorts of excuses as to why he needed to get his website organised and his advertising schedule done before he could promote a workshop.  

“How many people do you need to run the workshop?” I asked.  

“About 10”, he answered.   

“Do you really need a website and advertising to invite 10 people to a workshop?”  

Point taken. All he needed to do was set the date and book a venue. Once that was done, it was a simple matter of inviting people from his network.  

Scene 2: A colleague had an idea for writing a series of books. He explained in great detail how he was going to spend the weekend planning and strategizing for the books and develop the formula and then he could start to write.  

“Do you know what the books are about?” I asked.  

“Of course”, he replied and then proceeded to tell me all these wonderful adventures the main character would experience. He came alive talking about it.  

I challenged him, “If you’re up for it, forget the planning this weekend and simply write the first book.” He looked at me like I had just punched him.  

“No, I can’t do that. I have to plan it all out.”  

I challenged again. Finally he agreed.  

“Oh alright, I’ll write the first one on Sunday.”  

A few weeks later I saw him again and he had in fact written the first book, well with one paragraph to go.  

“Did you enjoy it?”  

“Yes”, he said and his face lit up. He had started. He had fun and totally enjoyed the writing process. 

Scene 3: My turn to take my own advice. I was sharing with the same colleague a few weeks later about revamping my website and my brand. I went into great detail explaining the strategy I needed to implement to generate more sales. He looked at me and grinned.  

“A wise person once told me”, he began.  

“Uh Oh”, I knew what was coming. I had recently engaged some services and he knew it.  

He asked me, “Did you go to a website for that?”  


“Did you find it through advertising?” 


“Oh, how did you hear about it then?” he asked. 

“I knew the people and they knew what I needed and they made an offer and it made sense so I engaged them.” 

Now he was grinning like a Cheshire cat. He had just caught the mouse. 

“So you don’t need to have a fancy website, or even do advertising”, he continued. “You just need to talk to people and let them know how you can help.” 

“Ouch.” You know those times when you just want to reach across the table and smack them. 

He was right. I had to take my own medicine. 

And as always, I share with you because I now know from almost 8 years of Weekly Thoughts (that’s next week), that someone reading this needs to hear this message today. 

“It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be done.” This comes from a great mentor of mine, Kip McGrath.  He realised very early that I was prone to perfectionism; that my perfectionism was a great excuse for procrastination. 

He managed me very well. He would give me a time limit to do a job and whether it was complete or not (of course I generally got it done), I was to return to his office at the appointed time with the job, regardless of progress. 

Your action this week is to notice how often you or people close to you use perfectionism as a means of avoiding tasks or procrastinating in general.

The first step to change is to become aware of it.

Your second task is to gently share the feedback. “C’mon. You can do it. No need to procrastinate on that too.”

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