Sometimes You Have To Sacrifice (WT664)
BlogMost mornings, when Ross and I have breakfast, we play Wordle on the iPhone.
It’s amazing how much of our school English grammar and spelling lessons come back as we attempt to work out the word for the day.
We often start with a word that has at least two different vowels so we either eliminate them or find that they are in the word.
We look at the possible endings for the word. Sometimes it could be “ed”, “er”, “ey”, “et” etc.
And sometimes, we have to sacrifice a letter that we know is not in the word but could help us work out some more letters.
We acknowledge that we are sacrificing an attempt when we enter a word which has letters that we know are not included.
We seek permission from the other, “I’m going to sacrifice the “s” to see where the letters go, is that ok?”
Once we’ve sacrificed the letter, we often find that the other letters end up in the right place and we can work out what the word is.
Sacrificing the letters makes it quicker and more accurate.
And that’s the point for today.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice in order to get where you want to go, quicker and easier.
Consider what you want for a moment.
Is there a way to sacrifice something in order to get there quicker?
Is there something you would be willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal?
It might not be the most direct route and it might seem like you are going backwards, however in the end, it might be worth it.
What is it? What’s your sacrifice?
Reply and let me know.
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P.P.S. Our next Loyal Lieutenant Masterclass Series starts 30th March 9:30am-11:00am, Sydney time for 9 weeks. Contact me directly if you are keen to join. It’s only 2 weeks away.
P.P.P.S. Our next Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience starts Wednesday 10th May in Newcastle. Early Bird Discount ends 10th April, saving $1000. If you’re looking for leadership skills and personal growth and development, then this is the experience for you. It’s practical. No academic assignments. What you learn will last a lifetime and can be used in all situations with all people. For more info go to