WT 683 You are only cheating yourself

Have you ever “gone on a diet”?

Have you ever taken action to change a habit?

This week I started back on “The Fast 800”. Eight hundred refers to the number of calories you can eat in a day.

I followed it a year or two ago and released about 8 kilos. (I can’t say lost, or I might find it again, which I did.)

I found it challenging and I know what I am in for again.

I’m having to use my mindset training not to allow my limiting beliefs to dominate and create the exact experience I don’t want, e.g. “It’s going to be hard”.   Well, that may not be true. It could be easy.

I’m also having to be even more aware of my thoughts, feelings and actions.

The other night Ross made a beautiful dinner based on beans (legumes) with some lettuce and pickled cucumbers etc.

As I took my plate back into the kitchen I saw two servings of beans still in the frypan.

I put my plate down and walked over and started to pick at the beans with my fingers.

I ate two mouthfuls and a voice in my head said, “You’re only cheating yourself”.

It was true. It didn’t matter to Ross if I ate more beans or not. It wasn’t like I was trying to hide from him and no-one else would know if I tucked in and ate more of the beans.

It’s times like these that give us the opportunity to understand ourselves.

It’s times like these that challenge us to stay true to our goals and take the action necessary to achieve them.

It’s times like these that require us to flex our discipline muscles.

If we set a goal and don’t do the work to achieve it, we’re only cheating ourselves.

How about you?

Have you set a goal recently? Is there something you want?

Have you started taking action or are you still thinking about it?

If you’ve started taking action, are you being persistent and disciplined or are you letting yourself off the hook and cheating yourself?

 And one last point, there are two schools of thought on this one; if you have a goal, vision or dream you want:

  1. Don’t tell anyone, in order to avoid the negative energy of the naysayers, or
  2. Tell everyone to keep yourself accountable.

Guess which one I’m following.

Now that I have “spilled the beans” and shared, I have to keep going otherwise I’ll experience the pain of embarrassment.  Out of two forms of motivation, move away from pain or toward pleasure, I’m definitely a “move away from pain” gal.

How about you?   Away from pain or toward pleasure?

Knowing yourself helps you lead and manage yourself.

Remember, if you cheat, you’re only cheating yourself.

P.S. Our next Loyal Lieutenant masterclass series is starting in September.  Running for 9 weeks over zoom, I will personally guide you through my 5 Steps to Business Freedom so you can streamline your operations, discover how to write procedures the right way and develop Key Performance Indicators and Key Behaviour Indicators for you and your team. It’s practical. You’ll be completing assignments each week so at the end you will have already started improving your productivity, plus you have the opportunity to be coached in real time by me. Starts Tuesday 5th September 9:30am – 11:00am Sydney time.  Reply to this email if you’re interested.

P.P. S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

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