The Dash (WT682)

The Dash (WT682)


WT 682 The dash

This week I had a really interesting conversation with a participant in the next Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience.

Participants complete a profile and we spend 2 hours together understanding the report and identifying what works and what gets in the way of achieving what they want.

Participants share their life stories and I feel very privileged to hear what people have done and experienced in their lives.

In our meeting this week, I commented about the poem “The Dash” by Linda Ellis, that is often read at funerals and which is about the metaphor of the hyphen that separates the birth date and death date on a tombstone.

It represents what we do between the two dates and I commented that this participant has a big dash, not that she is old, rather that she has done a lot in her lifetime.

It got me thinking about my dash. What are the things that I’ve done and experienced so far? What have I learned? And like the poem suggests, am I living life to the full? Am I living the life I want to live?

These are big questions. How would you answer them for yourself?

Are you spending time with those you love?

Do you enjoy the work you do?

Are you making a difference to others?

Is there something else you’d rather be doing?

Is there somewhere else you’d rather be living?

Let’s take the time to reflect.

Let’s think about the time we have left. (For me, I’ve decided that’s at least another 37 years.)

What do you want to be, do, have and feel?

If you’re not being, doing, having and feeling what you want, then maybe it’s time to make some changes.

What do you want to include in your dash?

P.S. If you’ve been sitting on the fence thinking you might like to register for the Leading Yourself and Leading Experience but haven’t quite committed, now might be a good time to reach out and make it happen. I can guarantee you it will change your life.

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There Are Always More Options (WT680)

There Are Always More Options (WT680)


WT 680 There are always more options

This week’s thought is for those who may get disheartened thinking that you only have one option and if you get a “No” that it’s the end of your desire.

Not true. There are always more options.

I’m in the midst of writing my next book, “Leaders are Listeners”. I wanted to make sure that I don’t infringe copyright and that I acknowledge my mentors and coaches and other great resources.

The book includes some concepts and activities from the Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience.

You might be thinking, “Why would you include activities from your Leadership experience in your book? Shouldn’t that be reserved for participants only?”

The answer is “No”. Think about it this way. If you like a musician or a band, you buy the album or listen to Spotify etc. however most of us still want to go to the concerts and see them live.

This happened for me with Jack Canfield’s book, “The Success Principles – How to Get From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be”. Ross bought it for my birthday and I was so excited by all the activities he shared in his book, that the very next year, we headed to Scottsdale, Arizona to join his week-long course, “Breakthrough to Success”.

As I reviewed the content that I wanted to include, there were some concepts that were part of a program that I had been trained and accredited to teach but I didn’t want to include them all.

Without asking, I assumed that I would have to leave them out.

Here’s the thing, there are always more options. Sometimes it takes someone else to see them and show you.

In my case, I was offered two options, one of which suited me perfectly.

If you’re currently telling yourself “No” and giving up on something you want, please take another look.  Talk to others who may see things from a completely different perspective.

Remember, there are always more options and if you’re committed, truly committed, the answers will appear.

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You Gotta Keep At It (WT678)

You Gotta Keep At It (WT678)


WT 678 You have to keep at it

You may have heard the term “overnight success story” in the media from time to time.

The interesting thing is that most “overnight” successes have taken 10-20 years.

Now, that’s not to dishearten you, rather I want to encourage you to keep going.

If you’ve started something, don’t give up if it’s not an overnight success.

I’ve been running the leadership experiences for over 10 years and there were times when I could have called it quits and now we receive so many referrals from past students, we would be doing our clients a disservice if we stopped. Same with the Weekly Thoughts.

You gotta keep at it, whatever “it” is for you.

Here’s what inspired this story:

A friend of mine, who is a very very successful businessperson, was telling me about a recent class she attended and the decision the teacher had to make about going forward.

The teacher had recently started the classes, even though she was not from Newcastle and had little to no network to draw upon for support.

It was taking the teacher a while to recruit students and of course she had to pay for the hire of the venue, so initially she was not even covering her costs.

Add to this her offer to provide two free lessons for each student, it was not stacking up to be a good business investment.

She was at the crossroads. She had invested some money into letterbox drops and had an outdoor sign made that advertised her classes. The venue wanted her to keep going.

In his song, Willie Nelson advises us that we have to “know when to hold them and know when to fold them”.

Sometimes it feels like a hard decision to make. Sometimes the logical facts say “Quit. Give Up. It’s not worth going on.”

And yet, for the successful businesses, many are successful because the owners committed and persevered. 

If it’s what you want to do, you’ve gotta keep at it.

Have faith and keep going.

P.S. If you’ve been thinking about joining the next Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience in August. Contact me urgently to Save $1,000. Early bird discount ends 30th June. Find out more here

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My Beautiful Bookcases (WT677)

My Beautiful Bookcases (WT677)


WT 677 My beautiful bookcase

Firstly, congratulations to Joanne Danckwardt. Joanne is the lucky winner of The Loyal Lieutenant Masterclass Series to celebrate our 13 years of Weekly Thoughts.

Secondly, thank you for your beautiful messages last week. I appreciate and enjoy receiving your feedback.

Now to this week’s thought – my beautiful bookcases.

Well, they will be when they’re finished.

There’s a couple of messages to this week:

  1. How to lose a customer
  2. The power of teamwork
  3. A lesson in patience
  4. The beauty of craftsmanship

When I packed up my books before we went travelling, I had 500. I think that number has now grown to over 600, so you can imagine my excitement when Ross said he would make me some bookcases. Finally, I could unpack the 14+ boxes of books.

I was over the moon, until he took me to the plywood shop and showed me what they would be made of.

Besides that, we arrived at the shop at 12:15pm on a Saturday and they closed at 12:30pm. The salesperson was totally disinterested and kept looking at the clock, until finally I asked, “Did we come at the wrong time?”

“Yes”, he replied. “I’m about to start packing up in 5 minutes.”

I convinced Ross to look elsewhere and we went to Bunnings.

“Oooooh, look at this wood Ross”, I motioned for him to cover over.

It was beautiful wood and was on sale.

We figured out how much we needed, a total of 39 pieces and don’t forget the varnish or the backing plywood.

Clapping my hands together, I thought we would get them made over the rest of the weekend. I have to say my patience was tested. When I want something done, I want it done. How about you?

Two weeks later and they are still in construction, despite both of us working on them consistently.  Ross cut the boards to size and sanded and I painted. It was great to work together and we got so much more done by teaming up and doing the work we each enjoyed and were good at.

It was also tempting to rush and rationalise a poor job, “it’s only a bookcase and it will be covered in books”.

Whilst we still have a way to go, I am sooooo happy to see them come together. The bookcases (3 of them) are being made with love and look amazing. I can’t wait to get my books out, (my babies) and display them on my beautiful bookcases.

How about you? Have you got a special piece of furniture or something you’ve made or had made for you? How about working as a team?  What does that feel like for you?

P.S. Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience starts Thursday 3rd August. Save $1,000. Early bird discount ends 30th June. Thursdays, 3rd, 17th, 24th and 31st August. Find out more here

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If You Want It, Let People Know (WT675)

If You Want It, Let People Know (WT675)


WT 675 If you want it, let people know

When it comes to goal achievement, I’ve been taught a couple of different philosophies.

Some say tell everyone, others say tell no-one.  The reason, they say, for not telling anyone is that you don’t want the naysayers dampening your enthusiasm or sabotaging your efforts, or worse, talking you out of what you want.

My mum used to say, “Opinions are like bums, everyone’s got one”, reinforcing the idea that we shouldn’t share our hopes, dreams and goals for fear that others will have an opinion about it.

For me, it depends on the goal. Some goals are worthy of letting others know, so they can help you. Others, that may be a little out of the ordinary may be best kept to yourself until they show signs of being achieved.

Here’s an example of wanting something and letting people know.

When we bought the house last year it had a dilapidated old pergola area out the back on top of pavers. It was ugly, rotting and a safety issue.

Ross started to pull it down.

As he removed the shingles from the roof and the rotting deck, we could see that the frame of the  pergola was structurally sound.

“Rather than pull it all down, what if we turned it into a fernery?” I suggested.

Ross thought about it and decided that could work. It would be Ross’ fernery because he has been loving growing his vegetables and flowers recently.

“How about we have a game with the fernery?” I continued.

“What sort of game?” he asked.

“Well, what if we made a rule that all the plants that grow in the fernery are from cuttings or seeds or gifts from others and that we don’t purchase any plants for it.”

He thought about it and agreed and yesterday he was given some cuttings and seeds that had been sprouted by Peta. He was over the moon. “Our first plants for the fernery, thank you Peta.”

The fernery is going to be a very special space because it will contain plants that were given with love and that have a story behind them. We imagine ourselves sharing it and telling others where each of the plants came from.

Whenever it’s appropriate, we share about the vision for the fernery and we’ve been amazed at the support and encouragement we’ve received. It’s also amazing to see how many others are into gardening and very happy to share what they know.

So, back to you. What’s something you want that you are happy to share with others? What’s something that you would like support with? What’s that something special that you want to create?

If you want it, let people know.

P.S. Our next Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience starts Thursday 3rd August. Save $1,000. Early bird discount ends 30th June. Thursdays, 3rd, 17th, 24th and 31st August. Find out more here

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The Goal Isn’t Big Enough (WT674)

The Goal Isn’t Big Enough (WT674)


WT 674 The Goal is not big enough

Ross and I have been thinking about and discussing our goals since we completed The Silva Method Mind Control course a few weeks ago.

We’ve been keen to implement our new tools to create and manifest what we want.

Something I discovered as I was working on my goals was that they were not big enough to be motivating or exciting.

I was discussing this with a colleague and mentioned that having a goal of 12 people in my August Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience wasn’t a big enough goal.

I recalled the goal we had of buying the motorhome and going travelling. We visualised. We acted as if. We went to caravan and camping shows. We joined the Caravan Association, even before we had purchased Contessa (the motorhome). We were totally focused on the what and the why. We didn’t concern ourselves with the how and miraculously everything fell into place.

It was a similar situation with buying our home. We wrote down a list of all the things we wanted in the home including the aspect, the number of bedrooms, the outlook etc. and miraculously it appeared.

In both cases we had made a decision and set worthy goals.

Back to my colleague, he suggested I reframe the goal for Leading Yourself and Leading Others and set a goal to serve 200 people over the next 2 years or even 1000 people over the next 5 years. Now that’s a worthy goal.

That’s a big enough goal.

That lights me up. That gets me into action because I love working with people and sharing what I have learned. My mission is to inspire, educate and support you to be, do, have and feel what you want. Oh wow! When I imagine helping that many people I get goose bumps (or spiritual bumps as Jeanine Sciacca calls them).  They’re like a message from the universe that this is a spiritual truth.

So, with my decision made to help at least that many people over the next few years, I am asking for your help. Who do you know who could use a dose of Shirley or as clients say, Get Shirlified?

I’m now in action. I’m visualising. I’m marketing. I’m having those conversations because that’s a goal worth pursuing.

I imagine a world where we can all have what we want.

I imagine a world where we are all assertive and when we express our desires, the people in our network support us. They say, “Great, how I can help you get there or get that?”

I imagine a world where we have great relationships because we listen to each other and we speak our truth and we know how to fight clean.

That’s my mission, vision and goal.

What’s yours?

Is it big enough to get you into action or more importantly, as my mentor Lou Heckler once said, if it doesn’t scare you, it’s not big enough.

Reply to this email and let me know what your goal is. I’d love to support you.

P.S. Our next Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience starts Thursday 3rd August. Early bird discount will end 30th June. Mark your calendar for Thursdays, 3rd, 17th, 24th and 31st August. More details to come.

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