What Is Your Body Telling You? (WT759)

What Is Your Body Telling You? (WT759)


WT 759 What is your body telling you?

Well this year didn’t start out how I intended.

Against some advice from friends and family, about 5 weeks ago, I started injecting myself with the so-called weight loss wonder drug, Mounjaro.

I was looking for an easy way to shed some kilos and others I knew were getting great results.

On Sunday I ended up in hospital with faecal compaction.

Did you know that our small intestines range from 3metres to 5 metres in length and are called the small intestine because of the size of the diameter?

The large intestine is about 1.5 metres, so there’s a heck a lot of piping to clear if you find yourself compacted.

Rather than focus on the gruesome details, I’d rather refer to Louise Hay’s work and in particular her book, “Heal Your Body: The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Metaphysical Way to Overcome Them”.

Under the heading of “Constipation”, she says the probable cause is “Refusing to release old ideas. Stuck in the past. Sometimes stinginess.”

The new thought pattern to override this is, “As I release the past, the new and fresh and vital enter. I allow life to flow through me.”

And for “Cramps”, the probable cause is “Tension. Fear. Gripping. Holding on.”

All of these resonate with me.

I’ve been feeling a bit lost lately and wanting to change some of my offers, not in the way I deliver my services, but the topics and I’ve kept going back to what I know.

So it seems my body is giving me a very big message, one that I’m not likely to ignore.

How about you?

What ailments have you been experiencing lately?

It might just be worth looking at what Louise Hay has to say about the mental cause and metaphysical way to overcome them.

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New Year New You New Habits (WT758)

New Year New You New Habits (WT758)


758 New Year. New You. New Habits

Happy 2025!

I trust the new year has started well for you and that you said goodbye to all the things you wanted to leave behind in 2024.

It’s a new year.

It can be a new you.

And you have the choice to create new habits.

This year I intend to create more videos and offer live webinars on various topics.

To that end I’ve been setting up my studio.

Part of setting up the studio meant I had to rearrange over 500 books on my bookshelves.

It has been a back breaking task and mentally challenging as I re-sorted every book according to author surname rather than book size.

I had previously arranged them according to size because I liked the symmetry of how they looked, however in practise it didn’t work because I couldn’t easily find what I was looking for and you know how I love to be efficient.

So the past few days I’ve been remembering my school mantras for the alphabet, “…ghijk…” as I placed the books on the shelves, along with a good dusting.

As I was sorting my books ready for the year ahead, I wondered about you.

What new habits are you planning to introduce this year?

What books are you planning to listen to or read?

What areas will you focus on this year to grow and develop yourself?

As personal development guru Jim Rohn says, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

In other words, you may have attained your technical qualifications to get a job, but that’s all they’ll do. If you want to go further in life, you must invest in personal and professional development.

Luckily for me, I love love love learning and growing and for those of you who are not that passionate about stepping out of your comfort zone, I encourage you, may 2025 be the year you say “Yes” to yourself.

“Yes” to a new year.

“Yes” to a new you, and “Yes” to new habits.

Let me know your goals and intentions for this year.

I’d love to support you and cheer you on.

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Again! Again! (WT757)

Again! Again! (WT757)


WT 757 Again, again

I trust you enjoyed a nice Christmas day.

You know, it’s amazing where our inspiration can come from.

On Boxing Day morning, Ross and I went for a walk along Redhead Beach.

We love to let the water lap over our feet as we make our way to the section where the dogs can roam freely and frolic in the water, catching balls and generally hanging out with each other and having a good time.

On the way back to our car we cross over a little creek that runs toward the ocean.

The creek has enough water for kids to play safely in the water and build sandcastles and the like.

This morning we observed what looked like a rather fit looking grandfather pulling his granddaughter along on a foam board.

She was squealing with delight, “Again! Again!”

It was so nice to see the children playing and having fun. I expect granddad was enjoying himself too.

It got me thinking, when was the last time you did something that makes you squeal with joy; something that has you shout “Again! Again”?

As adults we can sometimes lose this sense of fun.

Life can become all too serious as we concentrate on all the tasks we need to get done, all the jobs we add to our “To Do” lists.

As we approach the end of 2024 and the start of another year full of hope, let’s remember to have fun in 2025.

Let’s put some of the delight back into our days and add some things that will make you laugh and squeal, “Again! Again!”

Wishing you a magical 2025. Thank you for being on this journey with us.

I wish you a year full of fun and laughter.

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The Importance of Practise (WT756)

The Importance of Practise (WT756)


WT 756 The importance of practise

This week I met with one of my business advisors.

We were discussing some potential new services I can offer.

I needed to get the wording right so that it flowed when I described what was included and how it works.

“Can we practise please?” I asked.

He sighed, thinking I was asking to book another time.

We had time left in our appointment, so he was relieved when I said, “Now, can we practise now please?”

We role played.

I made my offer.

He gave feedback.

I learned and was able to improve.

Practising is so important.

The reason is because when you practise you grow your muscle memory.

According to CSP Global:

“Muscle memory refers to the ability of our muscles to perform specific tasks more efficiently after repeated practise.

Contrary to what the term might suggest, muscle memory doesn’t reside in the muscles themselves but is rooted in the brain’s neural circuitry. When we practise a movement repeatedly, our brain encodes this information, creating neural pathways between the central nervous system and muscle cells that make the action easier to perform over time.

This process involves both neurological and physiological adaptations, allowing movements to become more automatic and require less conscious effort. Muscle memory is crucial for a wide range of activities, from everyday tasks like typing to complex athletic manoeuvres.”

If you practise, you can reduce the amount of anxiety you might have about your expected performance because your muscle memory will take over when your conscious mind goes to spaghetti.

In other words, your unconscious mind will show up and perform for you.

When I’m coaching clients I often encourage them to practise with me. They may feel uncomfortable at first, however practising having that difficult conversation or giving a presentation to me is far less risky than not practising and making a botch of it when it matters.

Remember last week’s thought – “We’re just practising” for the real show.

Think about some things on your To Do List that could benefit from practise.

Now that you know the importance of practising and thickening that myelin sheath on your neurons, are you more likely to practise?  I hope so.

As Les Brown says, “You don’t have to be great to get started but you do have to get started to be great”, well, part of getting started is to practise.

With the holidays coming up, you’ve got time.

What will you focus on?

And speaking of holidays, Ross and I wish you a fabulous festive season. Thank you for being part of our community. We appreciate you.


P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thought delivered directly to their inbox.

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It Doesn’t Matter, We’re Just Practising (WT755)

It Doesn’t Matter, We’re Just Practising (WT755)


WT 755 It doesn't matter we are just practicing

Yesterday I commenced with a group of leaders to provide a series of inhouse leadership training for Community Therapy. Big shout out to Scott Lynch and Emily Steel for organising the training and for having such a “dream team”.

Because it was a new group to me and I hadn’t been to the venue before, I was feeling a bit nervous.

As I prepared, I remembered a mantra I’d learned from Benjamin J Harvey at Authentic Education.

“It doesn’t matter. We’re just practising.”

What this means is that sometimes we tie ourselves up in knots thinking that “we have to get it right”.

“This is it. If I make a mistake, it’s the worst thing ever”.

This type of thinking actually inhibits our performance. It puts us in the primal state of fight, flight or freeze.

When we’re in that state, we can’t think straight, let alone perform at our best.

So, this little mindset hack helps to take the pressure off.

As soon as you remind yourself that the next gig is the “real gig” and “this one is a practice for the next gig”, you’ll find you relax and of course, as a result perform better.

You can use this mantra for any situation where you are feeling the pressure.

Because you’re practising, you’re not concerned about getting it right. You’re practising. You’re improving.

By default, your performance or outcome will be achieved at a higher standard.

I’m curious, in what situations can you see yourself making use of the mantra?

Reply and let me know.

Keep in mind, (pardon the pun) that mindset is everything and you need to do whatever you can to ensure you manage your mindset.

Regards Shirley

P.S.  Early Bird Discount ends 31st December for the next public Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience. Held over 4 Tuesdays in February 2025.  Click on the link for more information:


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When We’re Ready (WT754)

When We’re Ready (WT754)


WT 754 When we are ready

This week I was discussing strategy with Mark See, a client turned colleague/friend (as most of my clients do).

In the 10-15 years that Mark and I have known each other, Mark has been very fortunate to have experienced working for a visionary entrepreneur who sold his business to a big corporation which became even bigger.

Mark gets what it means to be strategic.

He’s also forthright with his opinion, so you can imagine the response he got when he told his new corporate leaders that he would take action on a project “When we’re ready”.

He wasn’t resisting.

He wasn’t being petulant or rebellious.

He was actually being strategic.

As Mark says, “When you’re about to execute on a strategy, you can’t go too early and you can’t go too late.”

It’s a bit like Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  You have to wait until the time is “just right”, which in Mark’s words are “When we’re ready”.

Being ready means having done the research. It means having all the required resources. It means having the team trained and knowing what they have to do when.

There are so many moving parts to implement new business strategies that it absolutely makes sense to make sure you make your move when you’re ready.

I’m curious. What’s your take on this week’s discussion.

What’s your understanding of strategy and timing?

Are you confident enough to stand your ground and say, “We’ll take action, when we’re ready”.

Thanks Mark for such a lively discussion and for the inspiration for this week’s thought.

It came at the exact right time and I was ready. Grin.

P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thought delivered directly to their inbox.

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