I have a feeling this week’s thought will resonate with many of you.
Let’s talk about how to focus when you’re all over the place; when you’re feeling overwhelmed and you have too much to do.
You know that horrible feeling you get when you just can’t focus. You can’t seem to prioritise or get into your tasks.
What do you do?
I have a few “go to” strategies that I turn to:
- I tap. (I use Emotional Freedom Technique, not tap dancing.)
- I breathe.
- I meditate.
- I go for a walk.
- I sit and have a cup of tea and stare out the window.
- I chant the phrases for Ho’oponopono.
- I write.
When we’re in this state, which David Bayer calls the “Primal” state, we can’t think.
We can’t solve our problems.
We’re not creative because all our body and brain are doing is looking to survive.
Should I stay and fight? Should I run? Should I freeze?
When this happens, the first thing to do is to stop what you are doing and notice that you are in the primal state.
Awareness is the first step to moving out of it.
Take a breath. Calm yourself.
It sounds counter intuitive because you have so much to do and yet you’ll achieve far more and be more efficient and effective if you take a few minutes for yourself.
Another strategy that helps me is what I call my “Data Dump” method. I list everything that’s on my mind.
If I can, I use the whiteboard.
When I can see it, I can prioritise it.
I create a plan for when things have to be done.
I look to see who else can help. What can I delegate or request support for or negotiate an extended deadline?
Allowing yourself to stay in the primal state is a choice. It’s similar to worry.
There are many strategies and tools that will help you to focus and get back into the “Powerful” state.
What will you choose?
If you’d like to learn more, our next Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience starts next week or you may prefer individual coaching.
Remember, next time you can’t focus and you’re all over the place. Stop. Become Aware. Choose.
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