What If I Train Them And They Go (WT688)
BlogThis week I was coaching with a client (we’ll call her Stacey). Stacey had some homework to submit from our previous session. She was to create a 5 minute training video using Loom.com.
We’d talked about different ways to train people in previous sessions and Stacey had resisted using Loom. “I don’t like my voice. I don’t want to be seen on camera. I say ‘um’ a lot.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I only know one person who admits to liking their voice. When it comes to being seen, turn the camera off or even better, remember what Frank Kern taught me:
“People are looking at you every day. Get over it.”
So Stacey did.
She submitted the video and we watched it together on Zoom. It was a fabulous video. It was natural. It was authentic; just as if Stacey was sitting next to you, showing you how to do it.
Stacey had even made a mistake in the procedure and corrected it in real time. This was perfect because it showed how easy mistakes can be made and more importantly how they can be easily fixed.
I asked Stacey what she got out of doing the homework.
Firstly, she mentioned that she got it done because I held her accountable to do it.
Secondly, she realised how much time she is going to get back, now that she has a 5 minute training video to show others how to do a job that could take hours of her time, when a senior manager could be working on more productive or strategic tasks.
Stacey also realised that having the library of training videos and procedures means she doesn’t have to continually train people on an individual basis.
“I’ve realised how much time I’ve lost over the years training people who leave the company. I don’t get to recoup that time when they’ve left nor do I get any return on my investment when they leave. I get nothing out of it.”
This is a common experience that can result in a lack of motivation and desire to train new people, which doesn’t help the new team members.
So, if you have the responsibility of training people, have you considered creating videos in Loom.com? You’ll need a gmail account and to use the Chrome browser. It works really well for screen capturing procedures that are done on the computer.
What used to take hours to write and screenshot procedures, can now be done in minutes.
Stacey isn’t the only person I’ve worked with who has resisted using Loom. Yet those who have accepted the challenge and encouragement have become excited to do more.
If you’re resisting, please just have a go. No-one else needs to see your first couple of attempts.
As Les Brown says, “You don’t have to be great to get started, but you do have to start to get great.”
If you’re interested to know more tips and strategies to save yourself time, today is the last day to enrol for the next Loyal Lieutenant Masterclass Series. Imagine how much time you’ll get back when you know how to write the right way and how to effortlessly streamline your work.
P.S. Enrol today for the next Loyal Lieutenant masterclass series starting Tuesday September 5th. Check it out here https://shirleydaltoncourse.com/webinar
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