She Who Adapts Succeeds (WT508)

She Who Adapts Succeeds (WT508)


WT508 She Who Adapts Succeeds

In these challenging times, I want to take the opportunity to remind you that he or she who adapts succeeds.

No-one knows what’s going to happen as a result of the Corona Virus and this uncertainty causes many people to go into what David Bayer refers to as the Primal State of Being.

The Primal State matches to our Sympathetic Nervous System – the fight or flight system. In times of real danger, you need this to either stand and fight or run, but let’s be clear, there is a huge difference between being in danger and being in fear.

Emotions such as stress, overwhelm, fear and anger trigger your Sympathetic Nervous System and cause you to go into the Primal State. The Primal State cuts you off from all your creative resources and intuition and inspiration because it’s only focused on survival.

What’s needed now, more than ever, is to get yourself into the opposite state, known as the Powerful State. The Powerful State matches to your Parasympathetic Nervous System, also known as rest, relaxation and digestion. 

One way to do this is to understand that the thoughts you are thinking that are putting you in the Primal State are NOT TRUE and so if they are not true, then what is true? Usually it’s the opposite.  

What we need to do is to become aware of our thoughts and change them, then look for the evidence to support what is true. In other words, become aware of what we call your Unintelligent Thinking. Unintelligent in the sense that it is stopping you from accessing your own and the infinite intelligence to find creative solutions. 

Here’s an example of what many people are thinking at the moment: “My hours have been cut. I’m not going to get paid. I’m not going to have enough money. I’m going to go broke. I’ll never get out of this.”  If you truly look at the thinking you’ll see it’s not true. It’s simply the meaning you are giving to an experience and we know there is no suffering in any experience, only the meaning we give it. 

On the same example, look at your finances and know that you’ve always had enough, you’ve got enough now and you’ll have enough in the future. You may want more, however you’ve always found a way to survive.  Go through and look for the evidence for where you have survived in the past. Write it down. Focus on it every day. Get yourself into a Powerful State. 

It’s the only way you’ll be able to adapt and succeed.

Remember, he or she who adapts succeeds. Now is the time to adapt and look for other opportunities. You can’t be creative unless you get yourself in to the Powerful State.

Would You Like a Photo Taken? (WT507)

Would You Like a Photo Taken? (WT507)


WT507 Would You Like A Photo Taken

I’ve been listening to Robert Cialdini’s audio book “Influence” as I’ve been driving around Tasmania.

One of his 6 principles to influence people and encourage compliance is “Reciprocity” or in other words, “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”.

This week, I was fascinated to watch the psychology in action. 

We went for a walk to Wineglass Bay lookout in the Freycinet National Park in Tasmania. It was about 1.5 hours from the carpark through absolutely stunning landscapes of rocks and trees.

Of course we were not the only tourists making our way to the lookout.

When we made it to the top, it was standing room only as each group took their photos on cameras and smart phones.

“Would you like a photo taken?” asked one of the travelers.

“Oh! Yes, thank you, that would be nice,” I replied.

We posed. He clicked and then retook the photo on his wife’s instructions for a better position.

And then I witnessed the psychology in action.

“Can we return the favour”, I asked, without thinking. “Would you like a photo, too?”

Of course they did, so I handed Ross their camera and he did the honours.

It was our turn a little later to offer to take another couple’s photo and as if like clockwork, they offered to return the favour to us.

I was fascinated.

The science shows us that when we offer to do something for another, often unexpected and without expectation, the result is that the other feels obligated to us in some way and so as far as their brains go, they want to wipe the slate clean and not be obligated or owing in anyway.

Cialdini also explains that Reciprocity is necessary for us all to survive. We need others to do things for us and to help us. We can’t do everything by and for ourselves, so it’s not a bad thing. It only becomes negative when unscrupulous people use the science to manipulate us into complying with what they want.

Your action this week is to take notice of Reciprocity. Notice when you offer to do things for people or just do them without expectation and notice when others do things for you. Notice how you feel. See if you feel obligated to clear the slate by doing something nice for them or as BNI teaches, Givers Gain. See if you feel compelled to pay it forward and thereby wipe your slate clean by giving to someone else.

What Are You Thinking? (WT504)

What Are You Thinking? (WT504)


WT504 What are you thinking

This week, Ross and I experienced a great reminder of the power of our thoughts and how life is always working for you. 

For the past few weeks, Ross had been thinking he needed to replace the back tyre on Floyd, our motorbike. 

It must have been playing on his mind because at the 11th hour before we were due to catch the last ferry from Bruny Island in Tasmania back to Kettering and then drive 90 minutes to where we were staying at New Norfolk, Ross suddenly pulled over and stopped on the side of the road.

“Why are we stopping?” I asked.

“Flat tyre,” he replied.

“Oh dear! What shall we do?” 

“I don’t know,” he shrugged. 

Quickly, I reminded him that “Life is always working for us”.

It was too late. He went into the un-resourceful Primal State of fight and flight and paced backwards and forwards, angrily asking, “What am I doing to create this?”

It turns out it was his thinking. He wanted a new tyre so the Universe and his goal achieving brain created a situation where we had to get a new tyre.

And life is always working for us; we also enjoyed a complimentary night on the island, courtesy of the NRMA and RACT. Even better, our host provided homemade soup and started a warm log fire for us, not to mention a really comfortable King size bed (Ah! Luxury).

Paul from the RACT fixed the puncture and we were able to get the 6:30am ferry back in time for me to present some online training for a client.

This little situation provided so many great reminders:

  1. Not to go into the Primal State
  1. Ask ourselves empowering questions
  1. The brain is a goal achieving machine
  1. Life is always working for us
  1. Our thoughts create things (and situations).

What are you thinking?

What is it you are creating and are your thoughts in alignment with what you want?

Something to think about. (Pun intended.)

Get a Woman to Check (WT503)

Get a Woman to Check (WT503)


WT503 Get a woman to check

One of the great things about being on the road is there is no timeframe. We were heading south towards Hobart and came across a lovely little town called Ross.

We didn’t know there was a caravan park in Ross until we chanced upon it when we went walking along the Ross Bridge that was built over 100 years ago by convict stonemasons. They did such a great job they were given their freedom once the bridge was completed because they got it done in 58 weeks, where previous wooden bridges had taken years to build and didn’t last.

We loved the town so much we decided to stay the night.

The caretaker was enjoying his extra long lunch, so over the phone he explained where to park the motorhome. I was on the phone with a client while Ross was hooking up the water and power, etc.

He entered the back of the van. “There’s no power.” he announced.

“Oh dear!”

He tested everything and still no power. 

“Ring the caretaker again.” I suggested.

The caretaker came straight away.

The couple next to us were also unable to get power.

The caretaker checked the mains, rang the council and ran around the park, to no avail.

He transferred our sites and we both hooked up to power which worked perfectly.

We then went exploring.

When we returned, the caretaker came out to meet us.

“You look like a couple who would enjoy a laugh,” he said as he motioned for us to follow him. 

He took us to the power pole of the first site.

“Have a look at this,” he laughed, pointing to an On/Off switch on the power pole.

There were actually three switches; one for each powerpoint and someone had turned them off.

The caretaker said his wife showed him, laughing hysterically.

When I saw it, I agreed, “Get a woman to check”.

I joked, “I would have seen it.”

The lady in the second van also agreed she would have found it too, if she had looked.

So the moral to the story, “get a woman to check”.

What do you think?  Are women better at seeing things and solving problems?

It’s Just an Experience (WT501)

It’s Just an Experience (WT501)


WT501 It's Just An Experience

I recently travelled to Orlando, Florida to graduate as a Transformational Mindset Facilitator for David Bayer’s Phenomenal Coaching Methodologies – in other words Mindset 2.0 but that’s not what I want to talk about. I just want to give you the context for this week’s thought.

On my return flight from Orlando to Los Angeles I was waiting in line at the Security Checking stations. I wasn’t paying attention and like a sheep, I simply followed behind the people in front of me, until …. a hand waved in front of my face, gesturing that I should move back behind a sign (that I hadn’t seen). 

“Step back”, he yelled. “Ma am, read the sign. It says ‘Wait here until I call you’. I’ve got two lines to check and you have to wait.” 

Inside I was fuming. I was embarrassed. My heart was racing and I could feel myself blush the colour of a ripe red tomato from my neck to my forehead. I went into what we call a Primal State. 

I did as I was told. I know better than to upset the American Security Guards, especially at an airport. 

As I stood there, I remembered my training from David Bayer; it’s only an experience. There is no suffering in the experience, only the meaning we give it, so I decided to let it go. There was no need to make anything more of it. Let it go.  

We have hundreds of experiences every day. We don’t need to attach meaning and suffering to something that is over. 

With that I carried on with my journey home and entertained myself with positive happy thoughts of my reunion with Ross and visualised the things I want to create in my life. 

I would be silly to waste my energy on the negative and cut myself off from the creative inspiration and infinite intelligence, that is only available when we are in, what we call, a Powerful State. 

How about you? 

Would you have carried it or let it go, realising it is just an experience?

There is no suffering in any experience; only the meaning we attach to it.

Your challenge this week, and every day of your life, is to maintain living in the Powerful State rather than the Primal State.  (Just to clarify, from David Bayer – the Powerful State aligns to the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system which is rest and relaxation.)

I Want To Get Better But… (WT499)

I Want To Get Better But… (WT499)


WT499 I want to get better but...

This week is a bit of a wake up call for all of us.

On Sunday, I head to USA to graduate as a Facilitator of David Bayer’s Phenomenal Coaching System (and it is phenomenal). 

One of the requirements to graduate (and there were many) is that I attend a 2-day conference/graduation event in Orlando, Florida. 

I did ask if I could join virtually. “No. You have to attend in person.”


That means I have to fly over 20 hours for a 2-day event and fly back again, not to mention the cost involved in travel and accommodation.

And I’ll be heading back over there in March for his 3 day Powerful Living Experience Event.

So here’s the point.

This week I opened our Leading Yourself and Leading Others Online Membership for the second time. It’s not something you can join unless the doors are open and I had numerous people tell me, “They want to get better but…”.  “They want to improve their leadership skills but ….”

Here’s the wake up call.

We don’t get better by wanting it without taking any action.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a big believer in visualisation or mental rehearsal because we know how the brain works and how we can hack it to get what we want. However, we have to take some action in order for the Infinite Intelligence, also known as Life, to correspond with us.

If there’s something you want or someone you want to become, it’s not going to happen without you taking some form of action.

Something has to change for things to change.

I get it. We get scared. We don’t want to put the effort in. Believe me, if I knew what I was signing up for with the Facilitator Training, I probably wouldn’t have. Once I committed though, I did what was required to graduate.

What will you do?

What is it that you want?

Will you commit to taking some form of action towards having it?

If you want to grow and develop, it’s the only way.

One last point. If you’re sick and you go to the Doctor and he or she prescribes you some pills or bed rest or exercise or whatever it is, do you take the advice on board and follow your prescription or do you tell the Doctor, I want to get better but …..?

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