New Year New You New Habits (WT758)
BlogHappy 2025!
I trust the new year has started well for you and that you said goodbye to all the things you wanted to leave behind in 2024.
It’s a new year.
It can be a new you.
And you have the choice to create new habits.
This year I intend to create more videos and offer live webinars on various topics.
To that end I’ve been setting up my studio.
Part of setting up the studio meant I had to rearrange over 500 books on my bookshelves.
It has been a back breaking task and mentally challenging as I re-sorted every book according to author surname rather than book size.
I had previously arranged them according to size because I liked the symmetry of how they looked, however in practise it didn’t work because I couldn’t easily find what I was looking for and you know how I love to be efficient.
So the past few days I’ve been remembering my school mantras for the alphabet, “…ghijk…” as I placed the books on the shelves, along with a good dusting.
As I was sorting my books ready for the year ahead, I wondered about you.
What new habits are you planning to introduce this year?
What books are you planning to listen to or read?
What areas will you focus on this year to grow and develop yourself?
As personal development guru Jim Rohn says, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
In other words, you may have attained your technical qualifications to get a job, but that’s all they’ll do. If you want to go further in life, you must invest in personal and professional development.
Luckily for me, I love love love learning and growing and for those of you who are not that passionate about stepping out of your comfort zone, I encourage you, may 2025 be the year you say “Yes” to yourself.
“Yes” to a new year.
“Yes” to a new you, and “Yes” to new habits.
Let me know your goals and intentions for this year.
I’d love to support you and cheer you on.
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