I Only Remember The Three (WT767)

I Only Remember The Three (WT767)


WT 767 I only remember the three

Last week I presented two x 2 hour webinars, “Reset Your Mindset: 4 Steps to Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life”.

It was the first time I had presented these webinars and I was quite nervous.

In the month leading up to the presentations I had to learn new software.

I practised and practised to give myself the best chance of success. As we discussed in the webinar, the more we do something the more myelin we produce around our neurons and the more myelin, the quicker the response & habit formation. (In fact, it can be the difference between your neuron firing 100 times faster or slower.)

After the second presentation was over I shared with Ross what I thought I could have done to improve.

Even though the feedback from attendees was very positive, I was critical of myself.

As I spoke, Ross listened and then when I finished he shared that he had heard an interview with Tom Brady, arguably the best NFL quarterback ever. Ross continued, “Brady has been in 10 Superbowl competitions, of which he was on the winning team for 7. When asked about his successes, Brady replied that he didn’t remember the 7 (wins), only the 3 (losses).”

I find this interesting that we often focus on what we don’t do or don’t achieve rather than what we do.

In our Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience participants have to keep a diary of compliments and criticisms (for want of more politically correct words) that they and others give to them over a 7 day period.

Overwhelmingly the feedback from participants is how often they are the ones who are doing the criticising and how often they do receive compliments and yet they don’t seem to take these on board.

So my point this week, and I’m listening too, is to focus on the 7, not the 3.

Try it for yourself this week.

Take a piece of paper or whatever electronic gadget you use and rule up two columns. Write two headings:

  1. Compliments/Appreciation
  2. Criticisms/Negative Thoughts

Be alert to comments that you get from others and also your thoughts.  Every time you identify a compliment or positive thought make a note in that column. Similarly, every time you receive criticism or have a negative thought about yourself, enter a point in that column.

At the end of week take a look at the number of comments and/or thoughts you have received.


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Why Save It? (WT765)

Why Save It? (WT765)


WT 765 Why save it

What do you do when you receive a gift?

Do you save it or spend it or start using it straight away?

Ross and I have different strategies.

Ross is a saver.

I’m a spender/user.

For example, if we receive money for birthdays or Christmas or chocolates for Easter, I’ve spent, used or eaten mine within a week.

Ross still has his weeks and sometimes months later, (which I usually manage to share – Hahaha!)

It was the same when we both attended Weight Watchers years ago.

We had discretionary points to use over the week and mine were usually consumed within the first couple of days and Ross still had his at the end of the week.

Why am I asking you this and sharing?

Recently I was coaching one of my fabulous clients. We’ll call her Leanne.

Leanne is like Ross. She’s a saver.

She saves her coaching sessions until she feels she “really needs it”.

This week she came with a topic that she expected would take the full time to discuss and resolve.

To her surprise and delight, she resolved the issue within 10 minutes.

“I can’t tell you what a weight has lifted from my shoulders”, she said. “I feel so much lighter. I’ve been carrying that stress and anxiety and feeling of responsibility around with me for months.”

“Yes”, I replied. “You can be a bit tardy in using your coaching sessions.”

“I wished I’d addressed this months ago. I could have been so much more productive”, she continued.

To my point: Why Save It?

If you have an issue or a challenge, it’s much better to address it earlier than later.

In this instance Leanne was able to use the remaining time to resolve another issue.

By addressing issues and challenges as they occur, you can save yourself months of stress, anxiety, anger or resentment or any other negative feelings you may experience.

In relation to a coaching session (or other areas of your life), Why Save It?

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In Perfect Time (WT763)

In Perfect Time (WT763)


WT 763 In perfect time

Do you get yourself in a tizzy when things don’t go according to plan?

Are you a bit of a control freak; wanting things to be done the way you want them done, when you want them done?

I used to be like that.

I’ve mellowed over the years. I’ve come to realise and accept that things happen In Perfect Time.

Last week our air conditioner stopped working.

We called a few people. One person had a look at it and said, “That’s a warranty job. I can fix it, but it will cost you thousands because I am not an authorised warranty repairer.”

He told us who to contact, which proved challenging because we couldn’t speak to a person. Ross spent 90 minutes typing via a Chat Bot.

The Chat Bot would pass on the particulars.

Ross asked for the next steps and when these would happen, to which the Chat Box replied, “We’ll let you know.”

A week passed.

The temperature and humidity increased.

We were getting testy.

Ross followed up again with the Chat Bot.

Success! He was given a case number and the name and contact details of the authorised repairer – a real person.

To cut a long story short, the repairer came to inspect. “Yes, it’s a warranty issue. I’ve ordered the parts but don’t hold your breath. They are taking a lot longer than you might expect to get the parts.”

Not exactly the news we wanted to hear.

I sighed, smiled and thanked him.

I’ve learned that everything happens In Perfect Time.

If I get upset, it’s only me who is suffering.  Being anxious, angry or stressed only puts me in the Primal State (sympathetic nervous system) and in this state I cannot be resourceful.

It will get fixed when it gets fixed.

There is nothing I can do about it at the moment.

If you find yourself in a situation that isn’t going how you want, please consider surrendering. You’ll feel a lot better, and the irony is, that when you feel better, you’re more in tune with universal energy and as a result, things often start going your way a lot quicker.

Everything happens In Perfect Time.

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You’ll Get Used To It (WT762)

You’ll Get Used To It (WT762)


WT 762 You'll get used to it

It’s a sad fact that a lot of people do not like change, even though most of the time, change can be positive.

This week, I’m going to share my understanding of how the brain works and how we can hack the system to speed up learning and change habits.

First, a disclaimer. I am not a neuroscientist, so my understanding may not be 100% textbook correct.

This week I bought a new computer and 2 new monitors and what feels like a very large keyboard.

For the past 6 years I’ve been working with a HP laptop.

I bought the new computer and monitors to make it easier to present my webinars and group coaching.

Anyway, I struggled to find the keys on the keyboard. It’s not what I’m used to. I’m a touch typist, having learnt to type on typewriters when I was 14, so I know where the keys are, but the format is different.

I asked myself, “How can I speed up the process of learning and getting used to my new equipment?”

I remembered some training around this from Benjamin J. Harvey at Authentic Education.

According to Harvey, “Your habitual behaviours are nothing other than actualised neural networks. If you want to change your habits you must first seek to change the way your neurons are wired together. Think of it like a series of roads inside your mind. If you want to end up in a different location you must take different roads to get there.”

The weakest points in the roads are where one habit finishes and another starts. This is important to know because it’s at this junction that we can insert a new habit or behaviour.

When we practise or repeat actions over and over, cells called “Oligodendrocytes” start to wrap axons with myelin. The myelin sheath insulates the axon so the electrical impulses can travel faster with less effort (wiring the brain).

Here’s an example. Say you want to start adding “sit ups” to your morning routine. Your current routine includes:

  • waking
  • going to the bathroom
  • cleaning your teeth, and
  • making a coffee.

You’d like to do your sit ups after you clean your teeth, before you make your coffee.

The way to activate your oligodendrocytes to start adding myelin to the new neural pathway is to practise adding the sit up after you put your toothbrush away (the end of cleaning your teeth habit).

Now, here’s the interesting point. You DON’T have to wait for the next morning to get started.  

The hack to the system is to practise over and over in one to three sessions to master the new habit or learning. This is known as “Deliberate Practice”.

In your practise session, you’re going to practise putting the toothbrush away, then practise doing ONE sit up, then practise walking to the kitchen and pretend to make your coffee.

Rinse and repeat. Do it again and again and again.  

Continue practising these three things over and over and over for about 20-30 minutes or more. This rapidly increases the myelination of the axon, which effectively rewires your brain, so when morning comes, guess what you want to do after you’ve put your toothbrush away.

This is an amazing hack for creating new habits.

I’ve been sitting at my new computer and practising using the keyboard. I’ve been getting used to it.

Harvey says, Practise makes myelin, and myelin makes perfect”.

Your mission this week is to set aside some time to practise your new habit.

Let me know how you go.

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What Are You Thinking? (WT761)

What Are You Thinking? (WT761)


WT 761 What are you thinking

I’ve been reading “Unlimited Abundance: Align Your Life with the Unseen Forces of Success” by Sandra Anne Taylor.

We’re talking quantum science principles, energy, 7 universal laws, including the Law of Manifestation and the Law of Magnetism and I just love what she has to say.

On pages 74-75, Taylor says “So many people go through their days – even their entire lives – simply reacting, without any conscious awareness of what their thoughts are or what effects they may be having. But to change your energy and your consciousness, you need to be aware of the clues of negative thinking.”

According to Taylor, there are 7 major negative thought patterns and if we’re going to change our thoughts, we must first become aware of and identify the source of the negative thought energy.

The biggest hint to identify this is through your emotions.

Identify what you are feeling and then ask yourself, “What am I thinking that is causing this feeling?”

It reminds me of David Bayer’s mantra, “If it doesn’t feel good, then what I’m thinking isn’t true.”

And Abraham Hicks teaches us that we have the power to choose what we think and to simply say, “I’m not thinking that right now” and wave the thought away.

Similarly, the Silva Method teaches us to say, “Cancel Cancel” when we become aware of a negative thought, to stop the negative energy spreading.

Mike Dooley wrote an entire book called “Choose Then Wisely: Thoughts Become Things” as well a movie called “Thoughts Become Things”.

So, it’s up to you, what you to choose to believe.

I prefer to believe that I can change my thoughts and therefore change my energy and my life.

If you choose to believe this too, then this week, be mindful of your thoughts.

What are you thinking? Take note this week and see which of the 7 Toxic Thought Patterns you may be unconsciously engaging in.

  1. Devaluing (yourself or others)
  2. Catastrophic Thinking (anticipating negative outcomes for future events)
  3. Urgency (long To Do Lists and hurrying to and through activities)
  4. Comparing and Competing
  5. Victimisation and Blame
  6. Absolutes and All-or-Nothing (Always, Never, Everyone, Nobody)
  7. Time Warping (rehashing old experiences, reliving shame, replaying mistakes)

For more information check out www.sandrataylor.net or www.starbringerassociates.com.

Let me know which of the 7 you have been unconsciously thinking and what you are choosing to think instead.

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What Is Your Body Telling You? (WT759)

What Is Your Body Telling You? (WT759)


WT 759 What is your body telling you?

Well this year didn’t start out how I intended.

Against some advice from friends and family, about 5 weeks ago, I started injecting myself with the so-called weight loss wonder drug, Mounjaro.

I was looking for an easy way to shed some kilos and others I knew were getting great results.

On Sunday I ended up in hospital with faecal compaction.

Did you know that our small intestines range from 3metres to 5 metres in length and are called the small intestine because of the size of the diameter?

The large intestine is about 1.5 metres, so there’s a heck a lot of piping to clear if you find yourself compacted.

Rather than focus on the gruesome details, I’d rather refer to Louise Hay’s work and in particular her book, “Heal Your Body: The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Metaphysical Way to Overcome Them”.

Under the heading of “Constipation”, she says the probable cause is “Refusing to release old ideas. Stuck in the past. Sometimes stinginess.”

The new thought pattern to override this is, “As I release the past, the new and fresh and vital enter. I allow life to flow through me.”

And for “Cramps”, the probable cause is “Tension. Fear. Gripping. Holding on.”

All of these resonate with me.

I’ve been feeling a bit lost lately and wanting to change some of my offers, not in the way I deliver my services, but the topics and I’ve kept going back to what I know.

So it seems my body is giving me a very big message, one that I’m not likely to ignore.

How about you?

What ailments have you been experiencing lately?

It might just be worth looking at what Louise Hay has to say about the mental cause and metaphysical way to overcome them.

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