Technical Skills OR Leadership Skills (WT659)
Here’s an interesting little fact that I learned recently from Paul Findlay, CEO for the REACH Ecosystem in Australia; the average leader is in a leadership position for about 10 years before receiving any leadership training. Wowza! How often do we hear people discuss how important leadership is and experience the dire consequences of poor leadership and yet our leaders are not receiving the training they need to succeed in their roles? This topic came up a couple of times this week as I coached executive leaders from different industries. One leader owns a very successful coffee...
When You Are Learning (WT658)
What are you like when you’re learning something new? Do you have patience with yourself and your teacher or are you like me and chuck a temper tantrum until you master it? This week in The Loyal Lieutenant Masterclass Series, I had to remind participants that they are learning and that I don’t expect them to submit perfect work. If they knew how to do the thing they were learning to do, they wouldn’t need to attend the class. In fact, one of my favourite quotes is from Aristotle, “For the things we have to learn before doing, we learn by doing them.”...
Confront the Brutal Facts (WT657)
I don’t know where this saying came from, however this week it has popped up for some of my clients and myself. The phrase in and of itself can be confronting. “Confront the brutal facts.” What are “the brutal facts”? Brutal facts are things we may or may not know that are getting in the way of us achieving what we want to achieve. We use the word “brutal” because there can be no denying the facts, even though on some level that’s exactly what we want to do. Brutal because sometimes that’s how we receive the feedback. One time I was complaining to Ross about how unhappy I was with something...
Time in Your Mind (WT656)
You know how every so often someone says something and it really resonates with you? Well, I was at a new yoga class this morning and the yoga teacher made a comment that I thought I’d share with you. “We spend a lot of time in our mind each day, so we’d better make sure it’s a nice place to stay.” Wow. This resonated because of the work I’ve done with David Bayer regarding suffering. Bayer’s mission is to end all human suffering. What he means by that is our psychological suffering. There is no suffering in the experience. If we look to nature, there is no suffering. No psychological...
You Have To Get Down (WT655)
For the past week or so Ross and I have heard noises in the ceiling. Both too scared to get up and have a look, we called in the pest experts. They came, climbed into the roof cavity, agreed there was something there, either a rat or a possum and laid baits and traps. Each night we would hear the animal leave and then arrive back each morning between 4:30am and 6:00am. Each day the pest people came to check the trap. Nothing had moved. “Should we move the trap closer to where we think they are?” Ross asked the pest person. “No. They’ll come get the apple if they’re hungry”, replied the pest...
Don’t Allow Yourself to Be Bullied (WT654)
“Everywhere I go, I get bullied”, cried Jane. “Don’t say that”, I replied. “Because that’s what you’ll manifest.” Our words are so important. They are commands to our unconscious minds. Let’s make a pact that this year, we will be very mindful about the language we use, especially when describing ourselves and our situations. Bullying doesn’t just occur in the workplace. It can happen with suppliers as well. Don’t allow yourself to be bullied into accepting a product or service you don’t want. You are the expert on you. You know what you want and don’t want. It’s okay to say “No”, when you...
2022 What A Year (WT653)
If you’re feeling like me, and I’ve spoken to a lot of people who are feeling the same, 2022 was a big big year. Many of us were feeling totally exhausted coming up to the Christmas break. I’ve had a few days off now and feeling less exhausted, although still sleeping in and looking for a nanna nap in the middle of the day. How about you? One of the things I’ve learned over the years is to listen to my body. In days gone past I would have pushed and pushed and pushed and kept going until my body would say “Enough!” and send me to bed for rest with a wicked cold or flu or a bad back; just...
Your Learning Style (WT652)
You may be aware of the learning styles according to Neurolinguistic Programming: Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Audio Digital These are great to know for yourself and your team to ensure you make the most of your training opportunities. What I discovered in the past few weeks though, is that there is another layer to our learning styles. Disclaimer: this is coming from my experience and I have not researched this yet, so let’s call it a discussion. One of my clients, we’ll call her Abigail, was commenting about how one of her team members did not access the training provided in their resource...
Best You Become a Millionaire (WT651)
Jim Rohn was one of the pioneers in personal development. He touched on mindset long before neuroscientists were able to support what he was teaching. You know how at times, someone says something, which is almost like a throw away line and it resonates with you? It resonates so deeply that you remember it for years to come. It changes you. It changes the way you think. Well, this saying from Jim Rohn resonated with me all those years ago. He was telling the story about how many people win the lottery etc. and within a few years they are back to where they were financially. Many end up...
Put The Lemon Butter On The Jatz (WT650)
Last week I mentioned that I would share a funny little story about our assessment for the final session of our 9 week online masterclass series – The Loyal Lieutenant. The final assessment was a practical session where participants had to write a procedure during the class and submit the procedure so Ross could test the procedure. Participants didn’t know what the procedure was until they arrived on zoom. “The procedure you have to write is ‘How to Spread Lemon Butter on Jatz Biscuits’ for Ross’ morning tea.” “What? That’s it?” asked one of the engineering students. “How to put lemon butter...