
When We’re Ready (WT754)

When We’re Ready (WT754)

This week I was discussing strategy with Mark See, a client turned colleague/friend (as most of my clients do). In the 10-15 years that Mark and I have known each other, Mark has been very fortunate to have experienced working for a visionary entrepreneur who sold his business to a big corporation which became even bigger. Mark gets what it means to be strategic. He’s also forthright with his opinion, so you can imagine the response he got when he told his new corporate leaders that he would take action on a project “When we’re ready”. He wasn’t resisting. He wasn’t being petulant or...

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Make It Into A Game (WT753)

Make It Into A Game (WT753)

When I first started my business, I used to have a game with myself, where I challenged myself to give out two business cards to people who didn't know me or didn't know what I did, each and every day. That was in the days of physical business cards. I realised I haven't played a game for a long time, so I decided to make up a new game. This game is called “Call To Action” or “CTA”. The rules are, that I must complete at least two calls to action each day. My game was inspired by Cham Tang, who encouraged us to get into some sort of action to propel our marketing and grow our businesses....

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Beware The Resting B-Face (WT752)

Beware The Resting B-Face (WT752)

Last week I attended a 6 day training course, “Present Like a Pro” with Authentic Education. It was an amazing course, truly transforming and I can’t wait to put what I learned into action. One of the interesting topics that came up was to beware the resting B-face. I’m assuming you know what “B” stands for. Rhymes with “itch”. The presenter, Benjamin J. Harvey, explained that over the years our facial muscles learn to rest in the same places over time and that there are only 7 universal facial expressions and only one of these is what we might deem “positive” in emotion. This one is the...

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It’s Okay to Say “But” (WT751)

It’s Okay to Say “But” (WT751)

If you’ve done any training with me, you’ll know that we teach you not to use the word “but” because it negates everything that goes before it. For example, you wouldn't say to your staff member, “I really like the work you're doing, but I’d like you to improve here”. All they will hear is “I’d like you to improve”. Instead of “but” use “and”. “I really like the work you're doing and I’d like you to improve here.” Now, there is an exception. The one time that it is okay and encouraged to say “but” is when you've just complained about something or you've been ungrateful about something. In...

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Are You Delusional? (WT750)

Are You Delusional? (WT750)

Before you answer that question, here’s the definition of “delusional” from “A delusional person believes things that couldn’t possibly be true. If you’re convinced that the microwave is attempting to control your thoughts, you are, sadly, delusional. Delusional comes from a Latin word meaning “deceiving”. So delusional thinking is kind of like deceiving yourself by believing outrageous things.” And this week, this is exactly what we want. I really love this concept from Nina Oberoi. Nina explains that to create your reality, you need to become delusional in your thinking....

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Transaction Vs Transformation (WT749)

Last week Ross and I drove to Sydney to attend The Complete Leader conference by Lee Woodward. I love connecting with other leaders and learning tips and strategies for mindset and operations. On the way down and back we also listened to some audiobooks. One of the books, both by Dan Sullivan, was “The 4 C's Formula: Your Building Blocks of Growth: Commitment, Courage, Capability, and Confidence”. I loved listening to Dan as he explained the cycle for success. First you have to commit. You have to decide what it is you want. Secondly, you have to have courage.  Courage gets you past the fear...

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Feel The Fear (WT748)

Feel The Fear (WT748)

Ever read the book, “Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers? It’s a great book to get you into action. Another book I’m listening to and reading is “Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender” by David R. Hawkins. Hawkins encourages us to simply acknowledge our feelings and let them go. He also encourages us to let go of some limiting beliefs that may prevent us from doing just that, such as: “We only deserve things through hard work, struggle, sacrifice and effort” or “We don’t get anything for nothing”. Hawkins tells us that “Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it...

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A Hug and An Ear (WT747)

A Hug and An Ear (WT747)

Every now and then we need a little reminder of the skills we’ve learnt that we’ve forgotten. I was talking with a past Leading Yourself and Leading Others graduate this week. We’ll call him Max. Max was sharing some challenges that he and his family were experiencing. Max is a “Driver” personality, so I know he’s focused on what he can “do”. I asked him, “How do you think you can support your family?” He replied, “I think I’m fairly supportive. I’m doing what I can to help relieve the burden (of tasks).” He then shared a story with me about how he had done his best to encourage one of his...

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I Can’t Do That Because … (WT746)

I Can’t Do That Because … (WT746)

Have you ever found yourself responding to a suggestion with “I can’t do that because …?” It’s such a powerful phrase that stops us from moving forward. One of my fabulous coaching clients, (we’ll call him Doug) had this incredible insight as we were discussing some potential actions he could take to grow his business. As I reflected back the suggestions he gave, his internal response was “I can’t do that because …” He was aware enough to mention it, so we had a juicy topic to coach around. “Hmm,” he pondered. “You know, this is something I do a lot.” “I hold myself back by looking for...

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Can You Coach Yourself (WT745)

Can You Coach Yourself (WT745)

I would love for you to be able to answer that question with “Yes”. Being able to coach yourself is a such an important and necessary skill. This week I’ve had a few challenges and I’ve had to dig deep to coach myself. I’ve used “Ho’oponopono”. (I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank You, I Love You) to clear the energy. I’ve tapped along with The Tapping Solution App. I’ve meditated. I’ve visualised. I’ve journalled. I’ve asked myself empowering questions; what Noah St John calls “Afformations”. Instead of asking why a negative thing is happening, ask a powerful question, such as “Why am I so...

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