Every now and then you hear a quote or a little saying that resonates and becomes a mantra that you live by.
Tonight, I heard two and I wanted to share them with you and give you some context as to why they resonated.
Hopefully they’ll resonate with you too.
Here’s a bit of background. A couple of weeks ago I attended Louise Hay’s “Love Yourself, Heal Your Life” course, facilitated by Jeanine Sciacca.
It was an amazing experience and I met some amazing people.
Tonight, was a catch up for the attendees to check in and see what, if anything had changed or transformed since the course.
As participants shared their stories, Jeanine reflected and heard herself say, for the very first time ever, that we are “Perfectly Spiritual and Imperfectly Human”.
Wowza! I had goose bumps. My belief system is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that we are on this earth at this time to experience all that being human has to offer; all the emotions, all the various physical forms (health, sport, senses etc.) and mentally through our thoughts. Yes! Yes! Yes! We are perfectly spiritual and imperfectly human. Thank you, Jeanine.
The second quotable quote: “The cave you fear to enter is the cave that holds the treasure you seek” (source unknown).
OMG! How often do we hold ourselves back through fear, through not feeling worthy, not being good enough or the imposter syndrome?
Let this week be the week you start to change all that.
Let this week be the week you identify the cave.
Let this week be the week that you dare to enter to the cave.
Let this week be the week you claim your treasure.
What is it that you seek?
Ask and have faith because your perfect spiritual essence will help you enter that cave and find your treasure.
P.S. Our next Loyal Lieutenant masterclass series starts Tuesday September 5th. Check it out here https://shirleydaltoncourse.com/webinar
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