Extract Those Limiting Beliefs (WT690)
BlogThe other morning Ross and I were lying in bed and talking.
“I wish I could just reach in and rip out all my limiting beliefs”, I said.
“Even the ones I don’t know I have.”
“Why don’t you?” Ross asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Remember, when we did The Silva Method Course with Jeanine Sciacca and she said, the more outlandish and weird, the quicker things work?”
“Well, why don’t you go into your mental workshop and have aliens or some other weird way to extract all your limiting beliefs?”
“Wow! Yes. Thank you Ross. I can do that.”
And I did.
I used the Silva Method to go into my mental workshop and I had my team extract two big “blocks” of limiting beliefs; one from each side of my head, just near the Amygdala.
It felt sooooo good.
The blocks were replaced with what David Bayer calls Empowered Decisions because a limiting belief is a decision we’ve made at some point in time. We know how to make decisions, so let’s make new ones.
My new empowered decisions have all been infused into a beautiful pink love-heart shaped cushion and placed into my mind to replace all the limiting beliefs.
I feel so confident. I feel so grateful. I feel so positive.
We all have limiting beliefs, some of which we are conscious of and others not so.
This week I encourage you to listen to yourself and become aware of your limiting beliefs, and either choose to turn them into empowered decisions or follow my lead and extract them altogether.
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