This week’s inspiration comes from one of my favourite clients and his Operations Coordinator.
As I sat wondering what this week’s thought would be, Ray called to give me a business progress update.
He started the conversation with, “I changed my life today”.
“What did you do? Sell the business?” I asked.
“No”, he replied. “I was vulnerable with my team and shared my vision for the business. I wanted them to see things from my perspective.”
Knowing Ray as I do, I asked him what the turning point was.
“I have to give credit to Kim” he said.
“When I shared my vision, she responded with ‘You have to dress for the job you want’”.
“As soon as she said that, I knew she was right. I had to start acting as if I was the CEO of the type of business I envision.”
“I took action straight away. I restructured. I delegated (not abdicated) and empowered the team. I’m feeling good after coming from a place of feeling wrung out.”
Hearing this made me feel so happy too.
I was happy for Ray. I was happy for Kim. I was happy for the team, the customers and the suppliers.
It’s a great reminder. Thank you Kim.
You have to dress for the job you want.
In a way it’s similar to “Act as If”.
We know that in order to have what we want, we have to be fully aligned to the result. When you dress and act as if you already have it, your unconscious mind will go to work to ensure the external matches the internal.
What is the job you want?
How do you have to dress and act?
I’d love to hear your progress report.
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