She Covered It Up (WT553)

She Covered It Up (WT553)


WT 553 She Covered It Up

It was a beautiful sunny morning with a gentle breeze blowing as Ross and I walked along the beach, simply enjoying each other’s company and the coolness of the water as it teased us washing over our toes.

I was in absolute heaven.

As we walked, we came towards a woman with a dog.

“Oh God!” I nudged Ross.

There, right next to the lifesaver’s flag pole, a large dog squatted and hunched its back.

“It’s doing a pooh”, I explained.

I looked at the woman.

She was looking around to see if anyone saw it.

Yes, we saw it.

And then ….

She covered it up with sand.

She kicked sand over it.

I was incredulous.

She walked off, leaving a big dog turd covered up with sand right where kids would be expected to play.

“Yuk, yuk and yuk”.

And then I started to think about what she did in terms of “how we do anything is how we do everything”.

Covering things up is not helpful.

It’s not helpful if you don’t take responsibility and it’s certainly not helpful for other people.

Don’t kick sand over it. Don’t cover it up.

Take responsibility and clean up your mess.

We continued walking and upon our return, the tide had come in and the water now reached the pooh and it was exposed. At least it could be seen and avoided.

And just like the water exposing the pooh, the problem with covering things up, is that eventually someone uncovers them and we get found out.

It’s far better to take responsibility, own up to it and clean up your mess.

Is there anything you’ve been covering up lately that you need to address?

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Find Another Way (WT443)

Find Another Way (WT443)


One of the things I love most about working with business owners and leaders is their ability to problem solve and innovate.

I remember feeling so constricted when I worked for the government. It seemed like everything needed a committee and no-one on the committee would commit to a decision, just in case they would be held responsible.

In private enterprise it is just the opposite. I remember my former boss telling me to “Lose that piece of paper that you cover your arse with; you’re not in the Government now”.  Today we might question the political correctness of the statement, however his advice served me well.

I did lose the piece of paper and I did learn to take responsibility and make decisions.

I found other ways to get things done.

Which brings me to Christmas.

There are no excuses. It’s nobody else’s fault. I am responsible. I did not organise myself to send cards; even though I think of people and want them to know how much I value them. 

I didn’t organise gifts, even though I would often envision a gift that would be well received. 

So I asked myself, the universe and the Committee of Sleep, “How can I express my gratitude and appreciation and wish everyone in my community a wonderful Christmas and New Year?” 

The answer – a video message. 

And here it is.  My Christmas wishes to you and your family. 

Please click on the link. It’s 50 seconds.

Wishing you the merriest of Christmas’ and a bright, happy, healthy and prosperous 2019.

Thank you for being on this journey with me. I appreciate you and I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings for all of us.

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