This week’s thought is really about asking for expert help.
Recently I’ve been working on a project and it has taken me months to figure out the solution.
In the end, I reached out to an expert, who solved the problem in a matter of minutes.
I regretted not having reached out much earlier.
How often do we do that?
Is it because we’re being stubborn?
Is it because of our pride?
Is it because we think we can actually solve the problem?
It could be all of the above or more.
Experts don’t have to be paid experts either.
Think about your colleagues at work.
Each of us has specialised knowledge that could be useful to other team members.
Smart people recognise when they need help and they seek it out.
Don’t let your pride or being frugal with your money, stop you from getting the support you need.
Asking for some help could save you months of time and anguish in a matter of minutes.
What will it be for you?
Minutes or months?
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