WT 549 David Bayer_Shirley Dalton Graduation

This time last year I was preparing to fly to the US to graduate as a Transformational Mindset Facilitator with David Bayer.

The year ahead felt full of possibility and excitement.

Two months later, in March 2020, I again headed to the US to attend David Bayer’s 3 Day Powerful Living Experience.

At the same time, another world-wide event started to make its impact on us. Of course, that was COVID-19.

As we flew back to Australia from Orlando, via Dallas, Sydney, Melbourne and Launceston, it felt like the world was shutting down behind us. Like the ending scene in the TV show Get Smart, where all the doors close behind him.

Wow! What a year.

We arrived in Launceston to a 2 week quarantine period. Thankfully we could self-isolate in our motorhome. For this I am eternally grateful, as I am to our friends who supported us by shopping for us and providing us with 2 week’s worth of groceries.

Wow! What a year.

As I write to you today on the eve of New Year’s Day 2021, I am grateful for one of the learnings from David Bayer.

“Life is ALWAYS working for you, even though at times it may not be to your preference.”

Let’s just reflect on that for a moment.

Think about the year, 2020.

How has it worked for you, even though at the times, it may not have been to your liking?

At first, I didn’t like having to self-isolate. I didn’t like having my travel plans interrupted when we all went into lock down. I didn’t like having to cancel my face to face Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience and yet, as I look back on the year, I can see that Life was working for me.

I was safe. I was in Tasmania. I found a way to run the leadership experience online. This saved the participants 50% in cost not to mention travel.

I had been saying that I wanted to have an online business. Well, the universe delivered. My business was totally online for many months.

I also discovered how important physical touch is to me as I yearned to hug my legends and be in the room with them.

Life is always working for you.

As we prepare to start 2021, how about spending a few minutes to reflect on how 2020 actually worked for you.

Spend a few minutes in gratitude and see the blessings from 2020.

You might just find a whole heap of evidence to show you that Life is Always Working for You.

I wish you everything you want and more for 2021.

P.S. I am so excited to announce that we’ll be holding our Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience IN PERSON, FACE TO FACE in Newcastle, NSW, Australia in February 2021 – Thursdays and Fridays 11th, 12th, 25th and 26th February.

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