WT 734 It's hard to start

Do you ever hear yourself saying “it’s hard to start” or something similar?

Do you find sometimes you need a bit of inspiration?

That once you get started, the rest is easy?

Me too.

I recently completed the Confidence on Camera challenge with Authentic Education.

The first 21 days we recorded ourselves and posted to a “safe” group.

For the final week we were challenged to post publicly.

This was a big thing for me because I hadn’t posted videos on Facebook for years.

I had been hiding.

So I put my big girl pants on and faced the challenge.

I shared why I had been hiding and how it was now time to re-emerge.

Once I completed the initial post, I found it easy to record and upload more posts over the coming days.

One of my colleagues happened to mention that he had seen the posts.

I was a little nervous about the feedback he was about to give and to my surprise he told me his reaction was “Damn, Shirley’s gone and done it. She’s just put herself out there and just did it.”

His reaction was curious to me, until he explained that the fact that I had put myself out there, actually inspired him to take action as well.

Wowza. Of course my mission is to inspire, educate and support you to be, do and have what you want, however I never expected that anyone would be inspired by the fact that I just did it.

He also continued to say that “It’s hard to start, but that once you get started it becomes easy”.

It certainly does. Overcoming the procrastination and stories we might be telling ourselves is the hardest part. Once you take action, all that mental anguish stops.

I hope this week’s thought inspires you to take some action towards what you want.

Just start!

Just take one small action.

Let me know what it is.

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