Last week I presented two x 2 hour webinars, “Reset Your Mindset: 4 Steps to Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life”.
It was the first time I had presented these webinars and I was quite nervous.
In the month leading up to the presentations I had to learn new software.
I practised and practised to give myself the best chance of success. As we discussed in the webinar, the more we do something the more myelin we produce around our neurons and the more myelin, the quicker the response & habit formation. (In fact, it can be the difference between your neuron firing 100 times faster or slower.)
After the second presentation was over I shared with Ross what I thought I could have done to improve.
Even though the feedback from attendees was very positive, I was critical of myself.
As I spoke, Ross listened and then when I finished he shared that he had heard an interview with Tom Brady, arguably the best NFL quarterback ever. Ross continued, “Brady has been in 10 Superbowl competitions, of which he was on the winning team for 7. When asked about his successes, Brady replied that he didn’t remember the 7 (wins), only the 3 (losses).”
I find this interesting that we often focus on what we don’t do or don’t achieve rather than what we do.
In our Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience participants have to keep a diary of compliments and criticisms (for want of more politically correct words) that they and others give to them over a 7 day period.
Overwhelmingly the feedback from participants is how often they are the ones who are doing the criticising and how often they do receive compliments and yet they don’t seem to take these on board.
So my point this week, and I’m listening too, is to focus on the 7, not the 3.
Try it for yourself this week.
Take a piece of paper or whatever electronic gadget you use and rule up two columns. Write two headings:
- Compliments/Appreciation
- Criticisms/Negative Thoughts
Be alert to comments that you get from others and also your thoughts. Every time you identify a compliment or positive thought make a note in that column. Similarly, every time you receive criticism or have a negative thought about yourself, enter a point in that column.
At the end of week take a look at the number of comments and/or thoughts you have received.
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