We had guests around for dinner the other night.
I made a quiche.
When we sat down to eat, one of the guests looked at my plate quizzically and then turned to me and said, “You’re eating eggs. I didn’t think you ate eggs”.
“I made a decision”, I replied.
“You made a decision?” he asked.
“That’s right. I decided I wanted to eat eggs again, so I decided I would.”
For those of you who are not aware, for about 15 years I’ve had an intolerance to eggs if they were not cooked with flour. I became nauseous if I ate quiche, scrambled or other breakfast eggs or mayonnaise.
Whilst I’m not rushing out to eat mayonnaise, once I decided I was going to eat eggs again, I started introducing small amounts of scrambled egg until I could eat a regular breakfast meal.
I was testing myself with the quiche and I am happy to say, I didn’t get sick.
Enough about my digestion and eating preferences.
What has this got to do with you?
Well, you too can make a decision.
You can decide to be happy. (I had that conversation with a party guest last weekend who told me she just wanted to be happy.)
You can decide to have a good relationship.
You can decide to have children.
You can decide to change jobs or careers.
There’s a great book by Raymond Charles Barker called “The Power of Decision”.
I urge you to get it and either read it or listen to it or both.
It will help you understand and apply the power of decision.
And one more example from a client who decided to reduce his weight.
“Shirley, I’ve found that when I start thinking about reducing my weight, even before I have taken action, just by the mere decision and thought I can lose 4 kilos.”
What is it you want?
What can you make a new decision about?
All it takes is to decide.
Let me know what your new decision is.
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