WT 696 Don't over think it

Maybe this resonates with you.

The alarm went off and I hit the snooze button.

I was reluctant to get out of bed.

“I’m nervous”, I turned to Ross.

“How come?” he asked.

Today was the day I was to start going to a new gym.

Ross had been going to another one for about a year. I hadn’t been to a gym since we started travelling in the motorhome back in 2019.

I was anxious.

I had been waiting for a week for a personal trainer to get back to me because I wanted a program and to be shown how to use the equipment. I’m still waiting (that’s another business story).

I shared all my insecurities with Ross.

“Don’t overthink it, Shirl”, he said.

He was right. I was in my head, imagining all sorts of negative scenarios.

“I am old. I’m fat. I’m unfit. I don’t know how to use the equipment. I don’t want to hurt myself”, the list went on.

“You’re overthinking it.”

“Just get ready and we’ll go”, encouraged Ross.

I was surprised that a pair of my old gym pants actually fit. Well that was a positive.

I was still anxious as we entered the gym.

I got on the walker. At least I could manage that.

As I walked, I paid attention to the others in the gym, more to see what equipment they were using and how to use it.

I was encouraged. There were a number of people in Ross’ and my age group and they were doing their own thing.

They weren’t looking at me. They were more interested in their own workout and many had earphones in.

I started to relax.

I got on the elliptical and managed not to fall off.

I had a go at using some of the equipment, being mindful not to overdo it.

I started to enjoy it.

I could feel my body respond.

This isn’t so bad.

This is actually ok.

I’m happy to come back again.

How often do we psych ourselves out of something through fear and negative imagination?

How often do the things we worry about not even come to pass?

It’s a reminder to all of us to heed Ross’ advice – “don’t overthink it”.

If you find yourself in this situation, let go of the negative thoughts and just start.

Like me, you might find it’s actually pretty good and you wasted your time and valuable creative energy overthinking the negative.

P. S. This month we celebrated 17 years in business, so be on the lookout for a celebratory message in the next few days. There might just be something for you to celebrate too.

P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

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