WT 697 Don't do that

Last week I shared that I was anxious about going to the gym.

I also mentioned that I had been waiting for over a week for someone to call me to book in a training session.

Here’s the rest of the story.

If you’re in business or customer service, don’t do this:

On the day we joined, I asked if someone could show me how to use the equipment.

The lady on reception said to go on to the website and book in a session.

A few days later I went to the website.

I couldn’t see where to book it in.

I sent a message through the contact page.

I got an automatic reply and a personal reply from the lady on reception.

“Someone would call me within 3 business days.”

It was Thursday, so I figured Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

Monday and Tuesday came and went.

I had been holding off going to the gym, waiting to be shown how to safely use the equipment.

I couldn’t wait any longer, so I went on the Thursday. It was now a week since I had submitted my request.

I mentioned this to the lady on reception.

“I’ll follow it up”, she said.

The next day we went back to the gym.

We were heading out the door and the receptionist called to us, “I followed up your request”, she said.

“Oh good, thank you”, I replied.

During my workout I had noticed signs with contact details and information about the trainers.

I told the receptionist I had noted the numbers.

“I got in touch with Mary (not her real name)”, she said.

“She’s full up and can’t take on any more clients, so James (not his real name), will hopefully give you a call today.”

“Ok, thanks.”

The day came and went and James didn’t call.

Finally on Saturday, I got an sms message from James.

Using SMS is not my ideal form of communication, however James is young and that seems to be the way they communicate, so we organised to meet the following Monday.

James showed me through the equipment and was quite patient as I wrote my notes in an old fashioned exercise book with a pen.

Now that you have the background information, the point I want to make is “don’t do that”. Don’t do what Mary did.

Even though she was fully booked, the courteous thing to do would have been to contact me, even by SMS and say, “I’m sorry I can’t help you. I am fully booked. I’ll organise for another trainer to help you.”

Communication is key. Even if it’s bad news, it’s better than no news.

Don’t do that.

Don’t leave your potential clients waiting.

Mary might be the best trainer in the world and based on that, I wouldn’t recommend her. In fact, I’d share my negative experience, (as I am now).

It doesn’t take much to communicate with people, especially potential clients.

Look after people. Help people.

When I was working at the tutoring organisation we trained the franchisees to be honest in their assessments of the children. If the children didn’t need tutoring, to say so. One franchisee did this and told us that as a result of being honest, his potential client (who did not sign up) referred 5 others who did enrol.

Don’t ignore your potential customers or current customers.

Honest and timely communication goes a long long way.

Don’t do what Mary did.

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