Last week I mentioned the 6 week Confidence on Camera challenge that I completed.
This week I was talking with a client and mentioned that I was about to put the learning into practice by creating a Facebook ad with a video to promote the next Loyal Lieutenant online training experience.
“Oh, that sounds exciting”, she said.
“Yes, and it’s as scary as hell”, I replied.
It’s so interesting how fear and excitement seem to sit on the opposite sides of the same coin.
This week I was also tapping along with The Tapping Solution app on my phone to release any blockages I might have to manifesting what I want.
One of the questions was “What holds you back from manifesting what you want?”
I was surprised at my answer. I thought I had worked on this for a while and yet here it was still rearing its ugly head – I was still saying “No” before the customer does.
It reminds us to not defeat ourselves before we even get started.
It would be so easy for me to put off making the video and creating the ad. And if I did, I would just be defeating myself. I would be ensuring that I didn’t stand a chance of achieving the outcome I desire.
How about you?
Do you defeat yourself?
Do you give in before you’ve even started?
If so, let’s remember Aristotle’s quote: “The thing we think we need to know how to do before doing, we learn by doing.”
In this instance, I can’t say I have learned, even though I have been exposed to the content, until such time as I begin implementing.
So let’s keep ourselves accountable.
What or where are you defeating yourself?
What action can you take towards what you want and who or what can help keep you accountable?
Let me know. I can’t be the only person on the planet who habitually defeats herself.
P.S. Go to the Contact page and message me if you’re interested to know more about The Loyal Lieutenant online training. You’ll learn how to streamline your operations which will improve consistency of your product or service, give you back more time in your day, week, month and year plus reduce all your stress. https://shirleydalton.com/contact-shirley/
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