WT 745 Can you coach yourself

I would love for you to be able to answer that question with “Yes”.

Being able to coach yourself is a such an important and necessary skill.

This week I’ve had a few challenges and I’ve had to dig deep to coach myself.

I’ve used “Ho’oponopono”. (I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank You, I Love You) to clear the energy.

I’ve tapped along with The Tapping Solution App.

I’ve meditated.

I’ve visualised.

I’ve journalled.

I’ve asked myself empowering questions; what Noah St John calls “Afformations”. Instead of asking why a negative thing is happening, ask a powerful question, such as “Why am I so fit and healthy?” instead of “Why am I so fat and unfit?” Our brain is a goal achieving machine. It must find an answer to the questions we ask, so ask good questions.

I’ve been grateful. Very very grateful. Thanking the universe for the love, abundance and health that we receive.

I’ve coached myself when I dropped the ball and wanted to beat myself up.

I’ve coached myself when I started to feel anxious or afraid.

How about you?

Can you coach yourself?

What are some of the techniques you use to change your mindset and manifest the things you want?

This is a “MUST HAVE SKILL”.

Being able to coach yourself is something you can learn.

There are so many techniques available. Generally, you only have to learn them once and then remember to use them

You might engage a coach to help you initially, and as needed, however if you learn some techniques and apply them, you don’t have to wait. You won’t be dependent on others.

You can change how you feel. You can change what you’re thinking and you can change what you say and ultimately change your outcomes.

Learning to coach yourself could mean the difference between curling up in the fetal position on the floor feeling hopeless and afraid or being able to cope with whatever life lemon comes your way.

It is my sincere desire that you can, in fact, coach yourself.

Practise every day.

You’ll feel better for it.

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