WT 599 A Team Gets the Job Done

This week I was searching for some inspiration for the Weekly Thought.

As one colleague mentioned to me, “Now that you’re not travelling anymore we won’t get to hear about your adventures”.  No pressure.

Well, today that changed in a heartbeat.

I was so inspired by the immense display of teamwork that occurred as a result of the news that some of our team members had been exposed to not one but two people who were Covid positive.

As soon as the news came in the leadership team swung into action.

Initially a conference phone call, it soon turned into a zoom meeting to invite feedback and involve the senior leaders.

One leader briefed us on the situation. Another who was responsible for the Covid Strategy and making sure we complied with the Public Health Orders briefed us on the NSW Health Covid Matrix for categorising the workers as Close or Casual Contacts or Notify to Monitor Symptoms.

Another made a list of all the people who needed to be contacted and informed.

As a team, we came up with a list of actions.

One by one team members volunteered to complete the various actions.

Within 15 minutes after the meeting, most of the actions had been completed.

It was an incredible example of how a team gets the job done.

Each team member contributed something different.

Each team member relied on the others to ensure the mission was a success.

Whilst we can’t wave a magic wand and change the Covid Positive status, we can support those who have been impacted by the situation and do what we can to prevent further spread.

In times of crisis it’s often when you notice how quickly and efficiently a team can form and take action.

Your job this week, apart from staying safe and well, is to look to your team and consider how your team would respond.

And if they would swing into action, then I urge you to show your appreciation because it takes a team to get the job done.

Regards Shirley

P.S. We’ve set the dates for our next Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience for 2022. If you’re thinking about embracing change and having some support, check out https://shirleydalton.com/leading-yourself-leading-others-may2020/. Experience starts Thursday 10th February and Early Bird Discount ends 31st December (saving $1,000).

P.P.S. Invite your friends to get the Weekly Thoughts delivered directly to their inbox. Go to https://shirleydalton.com/weekly-thoughts.

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