WT 744 Today I'm feeling sad

Today, I’m feeling sad.

I’m sad for Brad.

Brad is overwhelmed with his business.

He doesn’t have time.

He’s doing everything, even though he has people on his team.

He doesn’t know which way is up or down at the moment.

He’s tired, cranky and emotional.

His wife reached out to me to help him. (We worked together a few years ago.)

She introduced us via email.

I offered to call him if he would reply with his phone number

No reply.

A few weeks passed.

I called his wife.

“He needs you”, she cried.

She too was feeling the effects of living with her stressed out husband.

“I’ll remind him again”, she said.

Another few weeks passed.

I called again and left a message.

A few days later I got an email from his wife.

I talked to him and he said he’s just not in the right headspace.”

This is the part that makes me very sad.

It’s a Catch 22!

I’m too busy and stressed to find the time to get the help yet getting the help will relieve the stress and busyness and improve the headspace.

Knowing I can help just by listening and providing a safe place for people to share what’s going on and then develop a plan and provide support for things to change – emotionally, mentally, physically, strategically really upsets me when I see people in pain.

I can’t force people to help themselves.

Why is it that so often we won’t ask for or accept help?

If you’re in the same situation as Brad, please don’t prolong it.

Do yourself and your family a favour. Accept the help when it’s offered.

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