A while ago I was talking with a client about recruitment. We’ll call him Dave.
Dave had a need to fill a customer service/administration role in his business.
I suggested looking for a mum.
In the past, I’d had great success employing mums who dropped the kids at school, came to work, did an amazing job and then finished in time to pick up the kids.
The mums benefitted by being able look after their kids and still have some social interaction with adults, make a difference and get paid.
They were honest, reliable, had a great work ethic and were skilled and experienced.
As I shared my experience, Dave asked if I would help him recruit for the position.
Initially, I was a little shocked at his request, however I agreed.
We advertised.
The selection criteria included a typing speed of 40 words per minute, 95% accuracy.
Only one of the applicants addressed the criteria in their application.
We know that interview is the least reliable form of recruitment so we included a few activities to test typing speed and accuracy, spelling, grammar and mathematical skills.
We held off some of the interviews because one lady was away at the time we planned to conduct the interviews and her resume indicated that she was a good match for the role so we waited a few weeks.
I confirmed the night before the interview.
The next morning, (the day of the interview) she sent an SMS saying that she was no longer available for the position.
I have to say, this has been an interesting journey.
The world has changed.
Forty odd years ago when I applied for my first full-time job, I would have done anything the potential employer asked me.
I would have made sure that I addressed all the selection criteria.
I would have made myself available to attend the interview at their convenience, and would have considered myself very lucky, if I made it to an interview.
For me, not addressing the selection criteria tells me you can’t follow instructions. I might be wrong but remember, you only get one chance to make a good first impression.
Answer the criteria.
So what’s this got to do with you?
If you’ve got good staff, hang on to them.
If you’re applying for a position, if you answer the criteria, you’ll go to the top of the list.
Recruitment and staff management have changed over the last few years, especially since Covid. More and more people are assessing what they want to do for work and how they want to live their lives.
As employers, we need to accept the changes and adapt so that our businesses can thrive with less people and better systems, including much more automation.
I’m curious to hear your experience? What’s happening in your industry?
Have you got certain criteria that you need applicants to meet or can you adjust to accommodate the changes?
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P.P.S. BRAND NEW 10 Week online Leadership Fundamentals experience starts Tuesday 15th January 2024. Sessions are LIVE and led by myself. There’s absolutely no reason why you can’t find 90 minutes a week to improve yourself and your leadership skills. You don’t have to be in a formal leadership position at work. These skills are life skills. If you’re interested, reply and let me know and we’ll organise a time to chat. Be part of another great team and get the results you want.