WT 406 If You Don't Tell Them They Won't Know

This week we’re not talking about giving feedback; we’re talking about marketing your services and letting people know the value you are providing.

I was sitting at the traffic lights and in front of me was an SUV style of vehicle. Underneath the back window on the body panels I read “Sizes 10-26”, a phone number and address. I presumed it was for a clothing retailer. I also presumed it was for women and yet nowhere could I find the name of the shop or what the sizes were for. I was intrigued, so I found a way to pass the vehicle and to my amazement the sides of the vehicle did not show the name either.

If you don’t tell them; they won’t know.

The same theme emerged as I was working with one of my coaching clients this week. We were working on his messaging to showcase his credibility for the work he does.

Initially reluctant, he was concerned about the “Tall Poppy” syndrome. He didn’t want to appear arrogant or egotistical.

I shared a story that one of my employees told me years ago. She was purchasing taps for a renovation and the salesperson seemed to get annoyed with her because she didn’t appear to appreciate what he had done. Eventually he blurted out, “You don’t seem to realise what I great deal I have just given you” and proceeded to tell her about all the discounts he had factored into the price. She explained to me that until he told her, she had no idea; she just thought that was the price.

If you don’t tell them; they won’t know.

And just yesterday I was working on marketing messages with participants in the next Powerful Marketing Video Event and a similar thing occurred. They weren’t aware of the special attention they were receiving so I mentioned it. 

Marketing is all about getting your name known and attracting customers. It’s your responsibility to let them know the value you bring.

Don’t be shy about this. It doesn’t mean you have to be arrogant. It doesn’t mean you have to be resentful, it simply means, “If you don’t tell them; they won’t know”.

Your job this week is to look at the value you bring and ask yourself whether your clients or prospective clients know this. In fact, you could even extend this to your inner circle at home. Are you sharing the value you bring or are you feeling resentful because they aren’t showing appreciation, when in fact, they may not know.

Here’s a simple example – in a few weeks we’ll be celebrating eight (8) years of Weekly Thoughts. That’s amazing to me that I haven’t missed a week in all these years. Starting at number 1, we’re now up to 406. When we get to 416 we ring the gong and perhaps will celebrate with a few surprises.

If I didn’t tell you, you might not have known.