WT 630 Don't Get Bullied Into It

Bullies don’t just exist in the schoolyard.

Bullies exist in the workplace.

Bullies exist in sales.

Don’t get bullied into it.

Ross called a number of tradespeople this week to get quotes for some work we need to do to the house before we move in.

One “lady” he spoke to was like a piranha.

She had told Ross it would be at least 12 weeks before we could expect to have the kitchen renovated.

“That’s no good to me”, said Ross. “I need it done before we can move in.”

“Well, let’s just book you in for one of our representatives to come and see your place and give you a quote”, she insisted.

Ross relented.

The representative attended the house.

He’d been to the same “bully the customer” school as the lady who booked it in.

“We could do this and we could do that”, said the representative.

“I don’t want that”, said Ross.

“Yes, you do”, said the representative. “Lots of our customers prefer it this way.”

“I don’t want that”, repeated Ross.

The conversation went on like this for 90 minutes.

At the end, Ross asked, “When can we expect to have the kitchen done?”

“We’re booked out until October (12 weeks away)”, replied the representative.

“That’s no good to me”, said Ross. “I told the lady on the phone that, as well, when she booked this in.”

“Well, let’s just make an appointment for you and your wife to come and have a look and go through the quote next week”, ignored the representative.

“Is your wife free on Tuesday afternoon?”

“I don’t know what my wife has on for Tuesday afternoon”, replied Ross.

“Well, how about Wednesday or Thursday”, the representative persisted.

Finally, Ross gave in and booked in a time for BOTH OF US to attend.

When Ross shared this information with me, I was NOT IMPRESSED.

“I’m not waiting until October”, I said to Ross. “And from what you’ve told me, he was a bully. He kept telling you what others had and what you want. I’m not interested in meeting with them.”

“Yes, you’re right. They’ve bullied their way through”, said Ross.

“Ring them up and cancel the appointment”, I directed. “Don’t get bullied into it.”

You don’t have to accept being bullied.

You don’t have to accept being told what you want and don’t want by someone who isn’t listening to you or who has ulterior motives for wanting you to go one way or the other.

It’s okay to stand up for yourself. You don’t have to be aggressive. You can simply say “No”.

You don’t have to get bullied into anything you don’t want to do.

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