
What is Everyone Else Doing (WT509)

What is Everyone Else Doing (WT509)

This week, I want to talk to you about a concept called “Social Proof”. It’s a psychological construct. In his book, “Influence”, Robert Cialdini describes it in great detail but I’ll give you the brief version here. Stick with me, it’s very relevant to what’s going on in the world today. “Social Proof” in this context refers to people checking to see what other people are doing before they take action. We’re not talking about “Social Proof” in marketing where you get a third party to endorse you and give you a testimonial, although I can see where that came from when you look at the...

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She Who Adapts Succeeds (WT508)

She Who Adapts Succeeds (WT508)

In these challenging times, I want to take the opportunity to remind you that he or she who adapts succeeds. No-one knows what’s going to happen as a result of the Corona Virus and this uncertainty causes many people to go into what David Bayer refers to as the Primal State of Being. The Primal State matches to our Sympathetic Nervous System – the fight or flight system. In times of real danger, you need this to either stand and fight or run, but let’s be clear, there is a huge difference between being in danger and being in fear. Emotions such as stress,...

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Would You Like a Photo Taken? (WT507)

Would You Like a Photo Taken? (WT507)

I’ve been listening to Robert Cialdini’s audio book “Influence” as I’ve been driving around Tasmania. One of his 6 principles to influence people and encourage compliance is “Reciprocity” or in other words, “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”. This week, I was fascinated to watch the psychology in action.  We went for a walk to Wineglass Bay lookout in the Freycinet National Park in Tasmania. It was about 1.5 hours from the carpark through absolutely stunning landscapes of rocks and trees. Of course we were not the only tourists making our way to the lookout. When...

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How to Lose $75 in Income in Less than 2 Minutes (WT506)

How to Lose $75 in Income in Less than 2 Minutes (WT506)

As we’ve been travelling around Tasmania, we wanted to learn about and see some Tasmanian Devils. Ross searched the internet to find out opening hours and prices for a Tasmanian Devil attraction near where we were staying. We arrived at the venue. After greeting us and asking if we wanted to enter, the salesperson said, “Your contribution is $37.50 per adult, which includes a donation to further research, etc.” “Oh, that’s more than we read on the website”, I said. “Was it our website?” she asked, as she proceeded to look it up, telling us that we were wrong and here it was to prove it. Ross...

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The Unassuming Leader (WT505)

The Unassuming Leader (WT505)

This week’s thought is truly inspirational. It’s the story of one of my clients. I won’t name names because she would hate that. She was sharing with me how surprised she was at the reaction of some of her work colleagues in relation to a health goal she had set for herself a few months back. To achieve the goal takes courage, commitment and dedication, all of which she has in spades. Unwavering in her actions and commitment over the past few months, she is making real progress towards her goal.  “It’s more than a goal”, I remarked. “What you have is a vision and your workmates can...

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What Are You Thinking? (WT504)

What Are You Thinking? (WT504)

This week, Ross and I experienced a great reminder of the power of our thoughts and how life is always working for you.  For the past few weeks, Ross had been thinking he needed to replace the back tyre on Floyd, our motorbike.  It must have been playing on his mind because at the 11th hour before we were due to catch the last ferry from Bruny Island in Tasmania back to Kettering and then drive 90 minutes to where we were staying at New Norfolk, Ross suddenly pulled over and stopped on the side of the road. “Why are we stopping?” I asked. “Flat tyre,” he replied. “Oh dear!...

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Get a Woman to Check (WT503)

Get a Woman to Check (WT503)

One of the great things about being on the road is there is no timeframe. We were heading south towards Hobart and came across a lovely little town called Ross. We didn’t know there was a caravan park in Ross until we chanced upon it when we went walking along the Ross Bridge that was built over 100 years ago by convict stonemasons. They did such a great job they were given their freedom once the bridge was completed because they got it done in 58 weeks, where previous wooden bridges had taken years to build and didn’t last. We loved the town so much we decided to stay the night....

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Be Generous (WT502)

Be Generous (WT502)

Still travelling, this week we sailed from Port Melbourne to Devonport in Tasmania. We stayed overnight not far from the harbour, overlooking the ocean before heading to Launceston for the city’s annual Festivale.  Festivale is like an expo of local food and wine, located in City Park, right in the middle of town. It rained almost as soon as we arrived and continued for the most part over the 3 day festival. Having dodged the fires on the south coast of NSW we didn’t mind the rain, even though we were travelling on the motorbike.  Now to the point of the story. As we...

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It’s Just an Experience (WT501)

It’s Just an Experience (WT501)

I recently travelled to Orlando, Florida to graduate as a Transformational Mindset Facilitator for David Bayer’s Phenomenal Coaching Methodologies – in other words Mindset 2.0 but that’s not what I want to talk about. I just want to give you the context for this week’s thought. On my return flight from Orlando to Los Angeles I was waiting in line at the Security Checking stations. I wasn’t paying attention and like a sheep, I simply followed behind the people in front of me, until …. a hand waved in front of my face, gesturing that I should move back behind a sign (that I hadn’t...

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Make Me Feel Welcome (WT500)

Make Me Feel Welcome (WT500)

Last week I joined Lee Woodward, Creative Director and CEO at Real Estate Academy, for an interview to discuss onboarding new employees. I thought I would share the highlights with you because this is such a critical task for every organisation. Here are the top 5 things you need to manage, according to me: 1,Make them feel welcome. Most new employees don’t know anyone when they first start apart from the people who interviewed them. It’s a daunting thing to walk into a new workplace where the other employees have established friendships and ways of doing things. It’s critical to make them...

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