
She Covered It Up (WT553)

She Covered It Up (WT553)

It was a beautiful sunny morning with a gentle breeze blowing as Ross and I walked along the beach, simply enjoying each other’s company and the coolness of the water as it teased us washing over our toes. I was in absolute heaven. As we walked, we came towards a woman with a dog. “Oh God!” I nudged Ross. There, right next to the lifesaver’s flag pole, a large dog squatted and hunched its back. “It’s doing a pooh”, I explained. I looked at the woman. She was looking around to see if anyone saw it. Yes, we saw it. And then …. She covered it up with sand. She kicked sand over it. I was...

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Developing Your Team’s Potential (WT552)

Developing Your Team’s Potential (WT552)

Let me ask you a question. Do you know what people think of you and how highly they regard you? This week I was talking with one of my legends; we’ll call her Vanessa, about an Introduction to Management workshop that I’ll be presenting on Tuesday 2nd February in Gosford, NSW. I was explaining why I was invited to run the workshop at Realtair Academy by Lee Woodward, Creative Director for Realtair. Lee has trained thousands of real estate agents over the past 20 years and has been instrumental in the growth and development of some of the most successful real estate businesses. He mentioned...

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Notify Your Face (WT551)

Notify Your Face (WT551)

Have you ever witnessed someone say and do something that just made you cringe? For me, it was about 13 years ago, whilst I was a participant in a training program. The presenter was proudly telling her story about how she confronted a local checkout operator. “Are you happy?” she asked the checkout operator. “Yes”, replied the young girl. “Well, notify your face”, boomed the presenter and laughed heartily. Wow! I didn’t think that was funny. I didn’t laugh. I thought it was cruel and righteous, which brings me to my point this week. We all have different personalities; some are gregarious...

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Being on a Team Makes a Difference (WT550)

Being on a Team Makes a Difference (WT550)

Playing Finska, (a form of skittles) on New Year’s Eve, I didn’t know the rules. I didn’t know the strategies and I certainly wasn’t very good. As I moved off the field after having my zero score turn, yet again, I heard another player refer to her team members. “Are we playing in teams?” I asked. “Yes. We’ve all been allocated to a team. There are 4 teams.” “Oh”, I said. “How do I find out whose team I am on?” “Just go and ask over there, to whoever has the score sheet.” I found out who my team members were and immediately went and apologized for my lack of contribution to our overall...

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Life is Always Working for You (WT549)

Life is Always Working for You (WT549)

This time last year I was preparing to fly to the US to graduate as a Transformational Mindset Facilitator with David Bayer. The year ahead felt full of possibility and excitement. Two months later, in March 2020, I again headed to the US to attend David Bayer’s 3 Day Powerful Living Experience. At the same time, another world-wide event started to make its impact on us. Of course, that was COVID-19. As we flew back to Australia from Orlando, via Dallas, Sydney, Melbourne and Launceston, it felt like the world was shutting down behind us. Like the ending scene in the TV show Get Smart, where...

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Christmas Comes Every Year Whether You’re Organised or Not (WT548)

Christmas Comes Every Year Whether You’re Organised or Not (WT548)

It’s Christmas morning and I’m a little late with our Weekly Thought. Firstly, wishing you a very happy Christmas or Holiday Season. It’s been a big big year for all of us and with all the challenges, there are still so many things to be grateful for. I’m grateful to be on this journey with you. What an adventure we are having. This adventure called Life. It’s not about the destination because we’re all headed to the same place; back to where we came from. It’s about the adventure; it’s about the journey. As I reflect on my journey, I am grateful for some wise words of wisdom from a group of...

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Take Some Time For Yourself (WT547)

Take Some Time For Yourself (WT547)

Do you need permission to take time for yourself? If so, consider your leave application approved. I remember, years ago, I was working with an Ayurvedic Holistic Practitioner. At the end of the session she invited me to make another appointment. “Do you have anything after hours?” I asked. “Why?” “Well, I work through the day and I have employees”, I answered. “Shirley, you own the business, right?” “Yes.” “You work late at night, some days?” “Yes, of course.” “You work weekends?” “Often.” “Then how come you won’t schedule an appointment for yourself during work hours when you know it’s...

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give (WT545)

The Greatest Gift You Can Give (WT545)

Do you know what the greatest gift is that you can give to someone? For me, it’s showing them how they can get what they want. My mission is to inspire, educate and support you to be, do, have and feel what you want. With that in mind, sometimes the conversations I have with my legends can be perceived as confronting. I’m okay with that because I know that my intention is to help you get what you want. It wasn’t until I was 40 years old that I read the secret for getting promoted at work. I wished someone would have given me the advice when I was 20 and as it happened, I had that opportunity...

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Choose Your Communication Method Carefully (WT544)

Choose Your Communication Method Carefully (WT544)

One of the services I provide for my legends is a recruitment profile and interview for potential employees. I have a couple of profiles that I use depending on the outcome we are looking for. One of the questions I ask to find out their preferred communication style is “If you had a message to give to a colleague at work, would you: a: walk down the hall and deliver it face to face (assuming no Covid restrictions), b: send an email c: send an SMS, d: post it via the interoffice mail or e: call them?” Just as it’s important for us to know their preferred communication style, I am often...

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