Christmas Comes Every Year Whether You’re Organised or Not (WT548)
It’s Christmas morning and I’m a little late with our Weekly Thought. Firstly, wishing you a very happy Christmas or Holiday Season. It’s been a big big year for all of us and with all the challenges, there are still so many things to be grateful for. I’m grateful to be on this journey with you. What an adventure we are having. This adventure called Life. It’s not about the destination because we’re all headed to the same place; back to where we came from. It’s about the adventure; it’s about the journey. As I reflect on my journey, I am grateful for some wise words of wisdom from a group of...
Take Some Time For Yourself (WT547)
Do you need permission to take time for yourself? If so, consider your leave application approved. I remember, years ago, I was working with an Ayurvedic Holistic Practitioner. At the end of the session she invited me to make another appointment. “Do you have anything after hours?” I asked. “Why?” “Well, I work through the day and I have employees”, I answered. “Shirley, you own the business, right?” “Yes.” “You work late at night, some days?” “Yes, of course.” “You work weekends?” “Often.” “Then how come you won’t schedule an appointment for yourself during work hours when you know it’s...
Be Skeptical (WT546)
You might think this an odd suggestion to “Be Skeptical”. What I’m talking about is listening to and understanding your team. During a recent coaching session, Martin became aware that he had been accepting at face value what his team were saying because it suited him to hear the answer. Martin had been implementing some new procedures and wanted his team to test them, as they used them, to learn and follow the new procedure. The team told Martin that the procedures, (which Martin had written) were good and easy to follow. Feeling pretty happy with himself, Martin accepted the feedback UNTIL...
The Greatest Gift You Can Give (WT545)
Do you know what the greatest gift is that you can give to someone? For me, it’s showing them how they can get what they want. My mission is to inspire, educate and support you to be, do, have and feel what you want. With that in mind, sometimes the conversations I have with my legends can be perceived as confronting. I’m okay with that because I know that my intention is to help you get what you want. It wasn’t until I was 40 years old that I read the secret for getting promoted at work. I wished someone would have given me the advice when I was 20 and as it happened, I had that opportunity...
Choose Your Communication Method Carefully (WT544)
One of the services I provide for my legends is a recruitment profile and interview for potential employees. I have a couple of profiles that I use depending on the outcome we are looking for. One of the questions I ask to find out their preferred communication style is “If you had a message to give to a colleague at work, would you: a: walk down the hall and deliver it face to face (assuming no Covid restrictions), b: send an email c: send an SMS, d: post it via the interoffice mail or e: call them?” Just as it’s important for us to know their preferred communication style, I am often...
What Game are You Playing? (WT543)
This week I was privileged to attend Part 1 of Simon Sinek’s leadership training series, based on his book The Infinite Game. Do you know the difference between a finite game and an infinite game? I confess, I didn’t know the difference and it seems I’m not alone. According to Sinek, “leaders don’t know the game they’re in”. A finite game is a game that has a winner. It also has rules and known players and competitors. An infinite game has known and unknown players. Its rules are changeable and the objective is to stay in the game, not to beat your opponent. Examples of infinite games...
Teamwork is Everywhere (WT542)
The other morning we were on a deadline to get packed up and get moving. Checkout time at the caravan park was 10am. As I looked around the park, I noticed many of the other campers were also scurrying around to pack up and vacate on time. As I watched (while I packed up of course), I started thinking about teamwork. Teamwork is everywhere. Ross and I have our jobs. He takes care of the outside and I take care of the inside. I was intrigued to watch the other husband and wife teams as they appeared to have their specific jobs too. A well functioning or high performing team consists of team...
Put Your Big Girl Pants On (WT439)
Years ago, I was mentored by the fabulous Mitch Axelrod. Mitch wrote the book, “The New Game of Selling” and was teaching me how to conduct a sales call. He had an amazing philosophy and system that completely resonated with me; “look for the highest and best outcome for all,” he said, including me. As all great coaches and mentors, Mitch wasn’t just interested in teaching me the information. He wanted to see me put it into action. I had a sales call booked that very day. Mitch made me practice asking the questions. I could do it with Mitch but I was terrified to put it into...
Let Me Finish (WT541)
This week we’ve been driving back up the coast of New South Wales and celebrating having the borders reopen. As I was driving, I received a call from a representative of a hotel group who was keen to reinstate my membership. (Hands free), I complimented him on his opening script. It was very well crafted, even though I knew what was coming. “Hear me out”, he said. “I want to let you know about all the new properties and brands we have added to our group.” He then went on to list a heap of hotel chains that I have no interest in or intention of staying at. When I politely told him I was...
Let Them Fight (WT540)
I find it really interesting that themes seem to emerge from time to time. The past few weeks I have had discussions with my legends about the challenging times they are experiencing with their management teams. “We are not aligned Shirl.” “We’re not on the same page.” “All we seem to do is fight.” My reaction is to get excited. “Let them fight.” “Get excited when your teams are fighting.” “Why?” “Because, number one, it means they are engaged and number two, you can’t get to be a high performing team unless you go through what we call The Team Development Wheel.” The Team Development Wheel...