If you’re struggling in business right now, be the client you want to attract.

This was something I learned years ago from Lisa Sasevich.

What does it mean?

It means showing up how you want your clients to show up.

For example, paying your bills on time. If you want your clients to pay their bills on time, pay your bills on time.

If you want your clients to respect you, respect your suppliers.

If you want your clients to show up and invest, show up and invest.

Now more than ever, we are being tested to walk our talk.

Our integrity is on the line.

Here’s what I’d like you to do.

Make a list of all of the things that are important to you when it comes to attracting and working with your clients.

Next, read over all the characteristics or behaviours that you want to see in your clients and (hand on heart), place a tick next to the ones you know you fulfill or achieve or do.

Take a look at those you don’t and consider whether the way you show up is a reflection of the people you are attracting.

Let me know what’s on your list. I’d love to know.

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