Extract Those Limiting Beliefs (WT690)
The other morning Ross and I were lying in bed and talking. “I wish I could just reach in and rip out all my limiting beliefs”, I said. “Even the ones I don’t know I have.” “Why don’t you?” Ross asked. “What do you mean?” “Remember, when we did The Silva Method Course with Jeanine Sciacca and she said, the more outlandish and weird, the quicker things work?” “Yes.” “Well, why don’t you go into your mental workshop and have aliens or some other weird way to extract all your limiting beliefs?” “Wow! Yes. Thank you Ross. I can do that.” And I did. I used the Silva Method to go into my...
How Quick Can You Manifest (WT689)
When we talk about manifesting, what thoughts come to mind for you? For many of us, it’s the attainment of something we have been wanting. Whether we’ve consciously worked to create our desire, as in visualising, reciting affirmations, journaling etc. or unconsciously, where we’ve simply decided we want something and then seemingly magically it appears, according to Abraham Hicks, “Manifestation represents what you’re doing vibrationally”. In other words, you attract what is a match for your current vibration. Abraham says, “Manifestations are ideas. Thoughts are manifestations. When you’re...
What If I Train Them And They Go (WT688)
This week I was coaching with a client (we’ll call her Stacey). Stacey had some homework to submit from our previous session. She was to create a 5 minute training video using We’d talked about different ways to train people in previous sessions and Stacey had resisted using Loom. “I don’t like my voice. I don’t want to be seen on camera. I say ‘um’ a lot.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I only know one person who admits to liking their voice. When it comes to being seen, turn the camera off or even better, remember what Frank Kern taught me: “People are looking at you every day. Get over it.”...
Find Your Treasure (WT687)
Every now and then you hear a quote or a little saying that resonates and becomes a mantra that you live by. Tonight, I heard two and I wanted to share them with you and give you some context as to why they resonated. Hopefully they’ll resonate with you too. Here’s a bit of background. A couple of weeks ago I attended Louise Hay’s “Love Yourself, Heal Your Life” course, facilitated by Jeanine Sciacca. It was an amazing experience and I met some amazing people. Tonight, was a catch up for the attendees to check in and see what, if anything had changed or transformed since the course. As...
I Won’t Bother (WT686)
How many times have you said or heard, “I won’t bother”? The reason I’m mentioning it this week is because I’m thrilled to announce that I have recorded an audio version of my book, “The Loyal Lieutenant: How The Second-in-Command Brings The CEO’s Vision To Life” and 10 lucky readers will receive complimentary access to listen to the book rather than read it. Thanks to Lee Woodward for his skill, advice, mentoring and support, we now have an audio version. When we celebrated 13 years of Weekly Thoughts a few months ago, I gave away a complimentary enrolment to The Loyal Lieutenant...
This Is Really Awkward For Me (WT685)
I’m sure at one time or another you’ve had THAT conversation with someone; a conversation that you’d rather not have. A conversation where you have to confront someone. It could be at home with your personal relationships or at work or with your sporting team etc. The truth is that most people would prefer not to have the conversation and many actively avoid it. However, if you avoid it, it only tends to get worse. When I’m coaching my clients, many find that even when they resolve to have the conversation, they don’t know how to start it. So this week, we’re going to talk about a concept...
Which One Holds The Most Belief? (WT684)
This week I finished reading Bruce Lipton’s book, “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles”. It was first published in 2005 and then updated ten years later in 2015. It was a fascinating book, written by a scientist who explains how our beliefs or perceptions are “programmed” before the age of 6 and “which control our biology for the rest of our lives … or at least until we make the effort to reprogram them.” (Lipton, p173) Lipton states that our subconscious mind controls about 95 percent of our behaviour. This explains the disconnect we have...
You’re Only Cheating Yourself (WT683)
Have you ever “gone on a diet”? Have you ever taken action to change a habit? This week I started back on “The Fast 800”. Eight hundred refers to the number of calories you can eat in a day. I followed it a year or two ago and released about 8 kilos. (I can’t say lost, or I might find it again, which I did.) I found it challenging and I know what I am in for again. I’m having to use my mindset training not to allow my limiting beliefs to dominate and create the exact experience I don’t want, e.g. “It’s going to be hard”. Well, that may not be true. It could be easy. I’m also...
The Dash (WT682)
This week I had a really interesting conversation with a participant in the next Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience. Participants complete a profile and we spend 2 hours together understanding the report and identifying what works and what gets in the way of achieving what they want. Participants share their life stories and I feel very privileged to hear what people have done and experienced in their lives. In our meeting this week, I commented about the poem “The Dash” by Linda Ellis, that is often read at funerals and which is about the metaphor of the hyphen that separates...
There Are Always More Options (WT680)
This week’s thought is for those who may get disheartened thinking that you only have one option and if you get a “No” that it’s the end of your desire. Not true. There are always more options. I’m in the midst of writing my next book, “Leaders are Listeners”. I wanted to make sure that I don’t infringe copyright and that I acknowledge my mentors and coaches and other great resources. The book includes some concepts and activities from the Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience. You might be thinking, “Why would you include activities from your Leadership experience in your book?...