
Pass on the Positive (WT405)

Pass on the Positive (WT405)

One of the scores we use in the Integrity and Values profile measures Appreciation. This is the degree to which you can give both positive and negative feedback. The creator, Jennifer Elliott, says that if you can’t give negative feedback, you’ll also be unlikely to give positive feedback.  This week I’ve noticed a theme around giving positive feedback and accepting it.  What I’ve found is that often we do receive positive feedback but we don’t take it on board for a number of reasons:   We don’t believe we deserve it We don’t believe the person saying it We dismiss it as soon...

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Is Your Marketing Message Clear? (WT404)

Is Your Marketing Message Clear? (WT404)

I just finished presenting a masterclass – How to Generate More Leads with Video.  One of the things I’ve found is that many entrepreneurs and small business owners have huge difficulty articulating what it is they do.  I thought I’d share my formula with you for crafting a Marketing Message to attract your Ideal Client (IC).  Firstly you need to identify your Ideal Client.  Who is he or she?  Think about your best clients that you work with now or have in the past. What are they like? What attributes do they have? Describe them. Give them a name.  What are...

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Stop Pushing Me (WT403)

Stop Pushing Me (WT403)

When I started High School, it was “cool” for girls to shave their legs. It was a long time ago before waxing became the norm.  I asked my mum if I could borrow her razor.  “What do you want that for?” she asked.  “To shave my legs of course”, expecting that she should have known that all the cool girls shave their legs.  “No! You’re not shaving your legs,” she almost screamed at me.  “Why not? Everybody else is,” I cried.  “You’re not and that’s all there is to it,” and with that I was dismissed.  Now being the strong willed, pig headed and rebellious character...

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Every Team Needs a Leader (WT402)

Every Team Needs a Leader (WT402)

One of the things I love about our leadership program is the way the participants really get to experience what it means to be part of a team and how much every team needs a leader.  Each session the participants are assigned homework. If everyone completes every task, the participants receive a “Pass” overall.  If just one task is missed, by just one participant, the entire “team” is awarded a “No Pass”.  In all the time I have been running the programs, there has only been one group that passed one session of the homework.   This might surprise you and like me you...

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Go Ahead and Join (WT401)

Go Ahead and Join (WT401)

This afternoon I am flying to Brisbane to speak at the launch of the audio edition of the book “Broken to Brilliant”.  This is a big deal for me.  I will be on stage with Karen Jacobsen, better known as The GPS Girl, Aussie Karen (who can be heard in over 400 million Garmin GPS devices as well as being the voice of Aussie Siri). The reason I get to speak is because I introduced Karen to Kate Smith, director of the charity Broken to Brilliant.  Kate’s mission is to help survivors of domestic violence to rebuild their lives, hence Broken to Brilliant. I first heard about Kate...

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It’s Not Until You Do It That You Learn How to Do It (WT400)

It’s Not Until You Do It That You Learn How to Do It (WT400)

Each week there seems to be a theme that presents itself a number of times. I guess that’s the universe making sure I get it. This week, the theme was all about taking action and getting feedback in order to learn how to do it better. Working with a long term client, I flew to Canberra to provide some training for their managers and sales reps.  Together we created the content for the program and delivered it as a pilot to ensure we had it right before rolling out across the company.  Remembering last week’s thought – Plans are Useless but Planning is Essential – we had certainly...

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