
Perfectionism or Procrastination (WT415)

Perfectionism or Procrastination (WT415)

I’ve mentioned many times before that there seems to be a theme emerge for the Weekly Thought.  This week’s theme is perfectionism or procrastination.  On three separate occasions the past few weeks, I was reminded of the difference and how perfectionism can stop us in our tracks.  Scene 1: A coaching client gave me all sorts of excuses as to why he needed to get his website organised and his advertising schedule done before he could promote a workshop.   “How many people do you need to run the workshop?” I asked.   “About 10”, he...

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Would You Walk Past It? (WT414)

Would You Walk Past It? (WT414)

Today’s thought might seem a bit bland at first read. Hang in there, there’s an important message from this story.  Following the garbage collection this week, our neighbour’s bin was left in front of his yard. The lid was open.  Generally, he takes it inside as soon as it’s emptied.  I was curious and as we are prone to make up answers to our questions, I decided he had washed the bin and was leaving it to dry in the sun.  The next day the bin was still outside with the lid open.  The third day the bin had been put away, however there was a pile of rubbish left...

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When You Need Reassurance (WT413)

When You Need Reassurance (WT413)

It was 2 hours after the flight was scheduled to depart. I was flying from Fort Lauderdale to Freeport in Grand Bahama. Firstly. we started to board then got called back to the departure lounge as new flight crew were called in.  We departed only to have to turn around because of a medical emergency for one of the passengers.  Without knowing what was happening, I sat in my seat sending love and light; pink for love and white light to keep the passenger safe and blue and green for healing.  I sent it to the sick passenger and the flight attendant - a young girl in her mid...

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My Money Supports the Web of Life (WT412)

My Money Supports the Web of Life (WT412)

Tomorrow I am heading to the Grand Bahama – one of 700 islands in the Bahamas.  “Cool. Sweet. Awesome”, you might say.  And yes it is all those things and more and I’m only going because I was fortunate enough to win a magical consultation with 2 world class marketing consultants.  How did I do that?  Simple – I played the game.  I submitted a video. I did my homework and I put my hand up and showed up.  And what has this got to do with this week’s thought on money?  Before the competition, a trip to the Bahamas had not been added to my budget, so whilst I...

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Live By Your Values (WT411)

Live By Your Values (WT411)

You’ve most likely heard the term “Vision and Values” in reference to business. For years this term remained a mystery to me. I just didn’t get it.  I couldn’t see what the big deal was about having a list of words on a wall that we could point to and say, “These are our values”.  That was until I read or heard, (I can’t remember the source) of the question, “Would you rather read it on the walls or see it in the halls?”  Seeing it in the halls means we behave in line with what we say is important to us, i.e. our values – what we value.  This week I was having a...

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When You’re Feeling Down (WT410)

When You’re Feeling Down (WT410)

I don’t know about you; for the past few months many of my clients and friends have been experiencing many obstacles, set-backs and challenges and as a result have been feeling very low, depressed, frustrated and/or angry. I include myself in this list so this week I thought I would talk about it because it’s normal to feel like this from time to time. At times we can feel like there is no hope; no way out; no way through or no solution. At times like this it can be tempting to want to end our pain. I know first-hand how this feels and I’ve had it confirmed lately from...

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Stop Distracting Yourself (WT409)

Stop Distracting Yourself (WT409)

Speaking with a colleague this week, I was impressed with her clarity about what she is going to focus on for the remainder of the year. “Two things, Shirley,” she said. “I’m focussing on just two things,” and then proceeded to outline what those two things are. In order to focus on the two things, she realised she needed to give up a number of other things that had been what she called “distractions”. Listening to her, I could totally relate to what she was saying. As I thought about what she shared, I thought about all the things that I had been doing lately that were not “moving the...

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Give Up the Drama (WT408)

Give Up the Drama (WT408)

This week has been a doozy for interpersonal dramas; mine, my clients, my colleagues and friends and family.  It’s fascinating to me, how we interpret what people say according to our values, beliefs and expectations or what’s going on in our head at any given time.  My point this week is not to share gossip; quite the opposite. My point is that we get what we focus on, so let’s focus on what we want, rather than what we don’t want.  Let’s say you have a disagreement with your co-worker. Most people’s tendency is to seek support with other co-workers to sure up their...

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It’s Not About What You Look Like (WT407)

It’s Not About What You Look Like (WT407)

A few years ago I did some training on self-concept and self-esteem for one of my clients and their team. I started one of the sessions by showing them a mock up of me on the cover of a magazine (it was part of my vision board).  “What’s wrong with this picture?” I asked. They all studied the picture intently and none came up with what I thought was wrong with the picture. It wasn’t the headline. It wasn’t the font. It wasn’t the colours. “Can’t you see?” I demanded. “Look at my teeth in the photo, they’re crooked.” “Look at the wrinkles around my eyes” and on I went about all...

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If You Don’t Tell Them, They Won’t Know (WT406)

If You Don’t Tell Them, They Won’t Know (WT406)

This week we’re not talking about giving feedback; we’re talking about marketing your services and letting people know the value you are providing. I was sitting at the traffic lights and in front of me was an SUV style of vehicle. Underneath the back window on the body panels I read “Sizes 10-26”, a phone number and address. I presumed it was for a clothing retailer. I also presumed it was for women and yet nowhere could I find the name of the shop or what the sizes were for. I was intrigued, so I found a way to pass the vehicle and to my amazement the sides of the vehicle...

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