
What Do You Need to Measure? (WT423)

What Do You Need to Measure? (WT423)

You’ve heard the saying, “What gets measured, gets managed”.  I confess I didn’t quite understand the impact of this statement until recently.  I set myself a goal of doing exercise at least 4 times each week.  Of course I never feel like doing exercise; it’s very easy for me to make something else more important. Consequently I wasn’t meeting my goal.  I decided to use the calendar on the wall and simply place a “tick” on the days I did exercise.  It soon became very obvious how many days I was wimping out.  Being able to see the ticks (or lack of) actually...

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What’s Your Criteria? (WT422)

What’s Your Criteria? (WT422)

Warning! This week is a bit of a rant but it also holds a very important message for you if you have customers.  For the past 5 or more years I’ve had a merchant facility with the nab bank and eWay to accept online payments and payment by credit card (and yes I am naming and shaming). Last month I was shocked to look at my statement that showed that I was being charged 3.32%, 7.14% and a whopping 14% on some credit cards for payments from my customers. I rang eWay to enquire about the rates. “Oh, that’s not us. Those rates are set by the nab.” I rang nab. “Oh, that’s not us. You’ll have...

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If You Don’t Train Them (WT421)

If You Don’t Train Them (WT421)

I was sitting in the waiting room. The phone rang. The junior answered. I didn’t hear what the caller asked, but I could guess based on the answer. “It will be $50”.  My guess was that the caller asked how much the service would be.  As soon they got the answer they hung up. If you were the owner or manager of this business, would you be happy if you overheard that conversation?  I know I wouldn’t be and yet you can’t blame the junior. The junior did what she was asked; she answered the question about cost.  If you don’t train your people, you can’t be angry when they...

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You Must Write it Down (WT420)

You Must Write it Down (WT420)

 According to Brian Tracy, the best research shows that, less than 3 percent of Americans have written goals, and less than 1 percent review and rewrite their goals on a daily basis. If we use these statistics as a generalisation, it shows that very few people write down their goals.  Now I am not about to tell you to create sophisticated goals or spreadsheets or budgets; it’s not my thing. What I will say though is you have to write it down. If you want something, you have to write it down somewhere.  Somewhere being the important point.  One of...

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We Do Without Doing (WT419)

We Do Without Doing (WT419)

This week’s thought is short and sharp and maybe a little challenging.  Every now and then I feel the need to consult an oracle and since I am not a member of a particular church, I use various affirmation cards and The Book of Runes. This week, I selected a rune and read the message. It seemed fairly apt for where I was at, however the last sentence really resonated with me, “We do without doing and everything gets done.”   I sat on the bed to digest this.  In my heart, I know this to be true. In my head, I want to control things and know HOW...

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What’s Your Time Integrity? (WT418)

What’s Your Time Integrity? (WT418)

Following on from last week where I confessed I had missed an appointment, this week I still want to talk about Time Integrity but in a different way. When I was younger (about 30 years ago), I used to do psychic readings for people. They would book an hour and 4 hours later, they would be walking backwards up the driveway, trying to get away. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to give them everything I could. I did their Astrology and Numerology charts. I gave them a jewellery reading as well as a Tarot reading. I thought I was providing so much value. I didn’t realise that I was actually out...

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Are You Right or Righteous? (WT417)

Are You Right or Righteous? (WT417)

Wow, what a difference a week and a few days can make. Last week I was on a high, celebrating 8 years of thoughts.  This week was low as I succumbed to being a victim and was planning on a thought to remind us all to be our word; to apologise when we make mistakes and to consider other people.  And yesterday that thought changed from being right to righteous as I checked my diary and to my horror realised I had done the exact same thing I was moaning about from others.  I completely missed an appointment.  Not just any appointment. It was a Weekly Thoughts coaching...

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The Universe Likes Speed (WT416)

The Universe Likes Speed (WT416)

Woo Hoo! 8 Years! Today we celebrate 8 years of Weekly Thoughts.  OMG! No-one is more surprised than me to reach this milestone. And even more impressive for me is that I haven’t missed one week in all that time. Wow, that’s commitment for you. And these thoughts are for you. I actually enjoy writing them and sharing what I learn along the way. This week is no exception. Of course there is a message or three. Dr Joe Vitale said, “The universe likes speed.” He was referring to a training program he created shortly after being featured in “The Secret”. Whilst he was out the back...

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Perfectionism or Procrastination (WT415)

Perfectionism or Procrastination (WT415)

I’ve mentioned many times before that there seems to be a theme emerge for the Weekly Thought.  This week’s theme is perfectionism or procrastination.  On three separate occasions the past few weeks, I was reminded of the difference and how perfectionism can stop us in our tracks.  Scene 1: A coaching client gave me all sorts of excuses as to why he needed to get his website organised and his advertising schedule done before he could promote a workshop.   “How many people do you need to run the workshop?” I asked.   “About 10”, he...

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Would You Walk Past It? (WT414)

Would You Walk Past It? (WT414)

Today’s thought might seem a bit bland at first read. Hang in there, there’s an important message from this story.  Following the garbage collection this week, our neighbour’s bin was left in front of his yard. The lid was open.  Generally, he takes it inside as soon as it’s emptied.  I was curious and as we are prone to make up answers to our questions, I decided he had washed the bin and was leaving it to dry in the sun.  The next day the bin was still outside with the lid open.  The third day the bin had been put away, however there was a pile of rubbish left...

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