Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be better at managing money? In this episode, America’s Money Answers Man, Jordon Goodman reveals the 6 Money types and how our emotions and type dictate the decisions we make. Learn what your type is and how best to use it. You’ll also learn strategies to earn 6% to 10% on non-risky investments as well as how to manage your holiday spending. This episode is jam packed with tips and strategies for managing your money and making the most of it and your investments. You won’t want to miss this episode. It could certainly cost you if you do.
Jordan Goodman
Jordan Goodman
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Jordan Goodman is known as America’s Money Answers Man because he has been answering Americans’ questions about investing strategies for over 35 years. He was the Wall Street Correspondent at MONEY Magazine for 18 years, was a regular financial analyst for NBC News for 9 years, Marketplace Radio for 6 years and is a regular guest on numerous national and local TV and radio shows now. He hosts the weekly Money Answers Radio Show on the VoiceAmerica Business Network.

Jordan is the author of 14 books including Fast Profits in Hard Times; The Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms; The Barron’s Finance and Investment Handbook; Everyone’s Money Book on Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds and Master Your Money Type.

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