For Business Owners/Star Employees (2IC’s)/Solopreneurs

Ready To Be Supported To Become A
Successful Second-In-Command And
Bring The CEO’s Vision To Life?

Watch This Video First

Join NOW and get the 9 Day Business Challenge as a bonus

The Loyal Lieutenant or Second-in-Command (21C) is one of the most important roles in a business and yet it’s one of the least understood.

You may be a BUSINESS OWNER desperately wanting your star performer to get what it means to be the 2IC to help you bring your vision to life


You may be the STAR PERFORMER; the process-driven, problem-solving individual who’s been thrust into this multifaceted role with little direction or guidance from your CEO


You may be a SMALL BUSINESS OWNER/SOLOPRENEUR faced with growing and running your business and looking for some structure and support to help you get control of your operations and get your life back

If so,

Tuesday 20th August 2024
Via Zoom
9:30am to 11:00am for 9 weeks

Early Bird Special: 

What We’re Doing

We’re SUPPORTING YOU THE LOYAL LIEUTENANT to grow and develop and become comfortable in your role.
We’re SETTING UP YOUR SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES using key components designed to keep your organisation operating smoothly at all times
We’re building a system to simplify overly complex operations, eliminate wasteful processes (and people), and identify and solve operational misalignments to CREATEMORE TIME IN YOUR DAY
We’re crafting clear and precise processes to ensure your TEAM UNDERSTAND THEIR ROLES AND ARE ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUTCOMES, allowing you to focus on the CEO’s bigger vision
We’re structuring your processes and systems so ANYONE CAN STEP INTO ANY ROLE, stripping you of repeated admin tasks
We’re looking at YOUR MINDSET and what it takes to be comfortable to wear the lieutenant’s jacket.

How We’re Doing It

We’ll work together LIVE over Zoom for nine weekly sessions of 1.5 hours. (Of course everything is recorded and you’ll have unlimited access to the recordings, handouts, and templates).
You will get access to ALL systems and processes and tools so you can start setting your organisation up IMMEDIATELY.
You’ll receive a copy of the text book.
You’ll be able to ask your questions live on the call so you can get help with anything you need.
On alternate weeks you’ll learn how to create a workflow diagram, write Key Performance Indicators, write procedures. You will then implement this as homework, ready for us to debrief the next week.
You will be held accountable to learn and do the work, which is work directly relevant to your role or business. This is about “getting stuff done”.

Why We’re Doing It

The Loyal Lieutenant Masterclass Series will guide you through the day-to-day work of the Second-In-Command.

In just 9 weeks you’ll go from unprepared and in chaos to confidently being able to manage people and processes whilst actioning the business’ possibilities.

Imagine having the gift of time back.

What could you do with an extra 12 days a year like one client did?

What would it look, sound and feel like to have your team truly understand each other’s roles and cooperate and work together to achieve a far greater outcome?

Get a SNEAK PEEK at how by watching the video above, which was taken from Shirley’s 9 Day Business Challenge.

You’ll also get a feel for how Shirley presents.

What Past Loyal Lieutenants Have To Say 

”I am just in the process of starting a new business and the Loyal Lieutenant Course has given me so much confidence moving forward. The 1.5 hour sessions were just the perfect amount of time in covering each topic within the course. Shirley makes it so clear and practical, teaching procedures and systems that are logical but not generally thought of. Thank you Shirley for so many light bulb moments”

Leanne Pearson

”I’m finding these hour and a half sessions really useful. Usually, you turn up to a course and get bombarded for three days, and you’re expected to leave and implement. But spreading it out like this works really well.”

Nick Grinter, Northrop Consulting Canberra

“It’s gone too quick. We covered so many things. I really liked that you’ve done this with the book, too, so we got hands on experience and got things done.”

Corlia Bunn, Toyne Accountants

“I liked that you taught us how to improve, not only in our work, but also in our personal lives and that it’s okay to feel fear and that you just need to get started and you learn by doing by doing it.”

Rose Guina, Presence Real Estate

“A huge thank you to you Shirley, for pushing me out of my comfort zone, helping me challenge my mindset to now just getting it started.”

Emily Lukasiak, Northrop Consulting Canberra

“Before this course I wouldn’t have known what makes a good or bad procedure. Now I can see if what has been written is effective and if not can provide some assistance to make the procedures clearer.

Joel Shearer, Parker Scanlon

The Requirements

Internet access, a computer, and an open mind
About 90 minutes each week to meet with me live (and then go implement what you have learned)
FOCUS: The method you’re learning is very simple. You might be tempted by “shiny objects” or other distractions. Don’t let that happen! If you follow the formula you learn in this class, you WILL set up systems and processes and you WILL get more time back in your day.

No systems experience is required.

Start Date & Time

Tuesday 20th August 2024
9:30am to 11:00am for 9 weeks
If you show up, do the work and don’t get the results, I’ll work with you personally for 3 months and if you’re still not getting the results, I’ll refund your money.

Investment Options

$1997 to get your procedures, job descriptions and organisation structure done (SILVER).

If you prefer me to do it for you, rather than teach you, it would cost 1Ox more and this way you get to keep the skills, the exact methodology I use, in-house for your current and future team members.

One on One Coaching & Training
Unlimited Email
& SMS Support
Group Training + 2 Individual Coaching Sessions
10 Email & SMS Support Per Month
Group Training
5 Email & SMS Support Per Month

If you want to grow and develop and improve yourself and your skills, now is the time to commit.

If you definitely want to do it and finances are still an issue, let me know and we can work out a payment plan.

Meet Your Presenter, Shirley Dalton

Shirley Dalton is passionate about helping business owners and leaders create productive, profitable and harmonious businesses and teams. With a unique skill set including teaching and psychology degrees, Shirley specialises in developing people and processes and inspiring potential. 

In this content rich, practical experience, Shirley will share the exact methodology she uses to help business owners, leaders and managers get their businesses under control and their lives back.

You’ll learn valuable skills and strategies that you can apply straight away and that will last a lifetime.

Your Questions Answered

What if I can’t make every session?

The sessions are so full of content and learning that you won’t want to miss a session, but if you do, don’t worry. You’ll be able to watch the recording.

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