Find out what it takes to lead a team of 4,600 real estate agents in a company grossing $25 billion in sales each year and then give it all away to create the lifestyle of your dreams. Discover the secrets to defining and achieving success for yourself and your team – is it systems or people? In this heartfelt interview, Steve Rodgers will share his amazing journey and lessons he’s learned so you too can build revenues and profits and still connect with your team, consumers and customers. Steve also explains why Vision is the critical keystone you need to move forward.
Steve Rodgers
Steve Rodgers
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Business, lifestyle consultant, and author, Steve Rodgers is a leader helping others discover, maximise, and increase their highest good and purpose in life and business.

Steve’s extraordinarily successful career spans being the CEO of a real estate firm generating
$25 billion in annual sales, almost 40,000 transactions, managing a team of 4,600 agents, starting and running his own ultra successful real estate company and collaborating with the elite.

One of Steve’s career highlights was meeting and working for Warren Buffett for many years. His inner circle includes many great leaders such as John Assaraff, Brian Tracy, Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Thompson. His wife's life threatening health crisis was the impetus for Steve to switch to giving back and helping others achieve their dreams.

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