If you’re in business you probably know that the best form of advertising is Word of Mouth or Referrals and we all want Referrals but almost no one has a plan of how to get more Referrals. What you also probably don’t know is that for you to engage a prospective customer from a referral, your referee has to talk about you to at least 7 people before one might take action. Join us this week as Marketing Strategist and Founder and CEO of RedHotReferralz, Nicholas St Jon explains how to develop and implement a referral campaign that will dramatically increase your sales and your bottom line.
Nicholas St Jon
Nicholas St Jon
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Nicholas St Jon is a Marketing Strategist who specialises in developing high quality referral business. Nicholas identified the missing link in most referral processes and as a result, he's developed 21st century tools that make it easy for your advocates to connect a prospect to you, and ensure that your message gets to them to increase the chances of them doing business with you.

Nicholas is a huge fan of the Netweaving philosophy of The Law of Reciprocity - meaning, the more you refer people, the more people will refer you.

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