Have you ever thought about investing in real estate but been too afraid or concerned about the stress? Moneeka Sawyer, creator of the Blissful Real Estate Investor Formula shares her secrets for successfully running a business and investing in real estate on a part-time, stress free basis, allowing you to concentrate on growing or improving your business. Moneeka’s strategies are refreshingly unique with the focus on mindset and partnership.

Moneeka Sawyer
Moneeka Sawyer has been investing in real estate for 25 years and is the creator of the Blissful Real Estate Investor Formula. She has seen several real estate cycles and has developed specific strategies to create a multi-million dollar real estate investing business that she runs part-time and with very little stress. She loves sharing her insights and helping people build their own fortunes in Real Estate.
Her expertise has been featured nationwide in the USA on radio and TV including ABC, NBC, and a number of other major networks in the USA.